Assortment of photos from different events.
CUWiP poster session da Vinci Days Gravity well demo CUWiP lunch Discovering the Scientist Within Hovercraft demo CUWiP Key Note Astronomy night Painting with SPS College of Science Social All Club Social! Beaver Fair
Discovering the Scientist Within
A free Saturday workshop designed to introduce middle school girls to careers in science, technology and engineering. The workshop includes hands-on activities and the opportunity to meet successful women engineers, doctors, veterinarians, research scientists, and university professors. PhIS hosts a physics theme room and interacts with about 25 girls every year at this event.
Astronomy Night
PhIS had their own room consisting of demos that demonstrate the different representations of physics concepts and unique bios of scientists from a variety of fields and backgrounds.
Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP)
At CUWiP, budding physicists will experience a professional conference, learn about graduate school and professions in physics, and share invaluable experiences, advice, and ideas with other women.
Oregon State University hosted CUWiP in 2016 and PhIS was the team behind holding the conference. We also encourage member to attend future conferences and have helped assist them in that effort.
Recruitment and Retention
Our group often participates in local school club events. Most commonly we attend the Beaver Fair and the College of Science Social at the start of spring term at OSU. We often host socials at the start of the term to encourage inter-club engagement and departmental involvement in the group.
Beautification of Weniger Hall
PhIS a continued effort to help make the building that hosts the physics department look nicer and be a more welcoming place to all. In this vain we have painted different rooms within the building and updated displays in our hallways. We have also collaborated with the local chapter of the Society of Physics Students at OSU to paint.