Category Archives: Photos

2019/20 Group Photo

PhIS is still running but with a social distancing model! How can we help you during these trying times?

If you have an idea for a project, event, or anything else that you want to see PhIS take on, we’d love to hear from you! Please follow this link to our poll for sharing your ideas with us.

2019 da Vinci Days

da Vinci Days is all about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), showcasing the creativity of community members, students and staff from local schools, LBCC, and OSU. The festival includes multiple events in April and the third weekend of July.
PhIS tables at the event to reach out to the community with cool merchandiser, science demos, and great conversations.

2019 Self Care Hike

Spring 2019 Peavy Arboretum Hike and Summer 2019 Mary’s Peak Hike

PhIS has frequent self-care events to create community with in the group and help members de-stress and discuss the current events of their lives. Some activities include hikes, coloring, game nights, and more.

The APS CUWiP at Oregon State University 2016

CUWiP 2016 Group Photo

Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP)

At CUWiP, budding physicists will experience a professional conference, learn about graduate school and professions in physics, and share invaluable experiences, advice, and ideas with other women.
Oregon State University hosted CUWiP in 2016 and PhIS was the team behind holding the conference. We also encourage member to attend future conferences and have helped assist them in that effort.