Category Archives: Announcements

Black in Physics Week

This week is the second annual Black in Physics week. As a part of celebrating the black physicists and their contributions, Physics Today magazine has commissioned black physicists to write essays each day this week. This year’s topic is burnout. Read about the essay collection here:

You can also check out the essays from last year as well.The essays, are short, enlightening, and well worth the read!

#BlackInPhysics Week 2021 essay series The theme of this year’s #BlackInPhysics Week is “Blaze Beyond Burnout.” The organizers are partnering with Black mental health experts to lead discussions of burnout, self-care, and ways to mitigate the harm caused by anti-Black racism in academia.To strengthen community building, we’ve augmented our social programming, which includes a cooking class led by a Black mental health …

About Us

Physicists for Inclusion in Science (“PhIS”, pronounced “fizz”) grew out the “Women in Physics” group. We support members of underrepresented groups as they pursue their careers. The group meets several times a term for discussion and to organize events and activities. The group consists of students, faculty and staff in the Physics department, alumni, and other physicists on campus or in the community.

Mission Statement

Currently, only 20% of physics degrees are held by women. Similarly, approximately 11% of Bachelor’s degrees and 7% of PhDs are held by underrepresented minorities in physics. We aim to significantly increase the number of female and underrepresented minority physics majors on campus by providing an inclusive community, professional development opportunities, and mentorship for any woman or minority interested in physics.

First Blog Post: PhIS!

We’re a student organization sponsored by the physics department. We want to change the atmosphere and culture of physics to be more accessible and inclusive. Currently, only 20% of physics degrees are held by women, and only 11% of Bachelor’s degrees and 7% of PhDs are held by underrepresented minorities in physics. We aim to significantly increase the number of female and underrepresented minority physics majors on campus by providing an inclusive community, professional development opportunities, and mentorship for any woman or minority interested in physics.