Tag: technology

  • Apply Now for the Fall 2020 Blended Faculty Learning Community

    The Fall 2020 Blended Faculty Learning Community, sponsored by CTL and Academic Technology, will help OSU faculty enhance their teaching, with a focus on applying effective practices for blended learning and the use of educational technology. Participants will explore and develop solutions for significant pedagogical challenges, and will share their solutions with the OSU community.…

  • Join the Applying Learning Technology Community

    Good news! The deadline has been extended to March 15 to apply for this Spring’s pilot of the Applying Learning Technology Community. All faculty teaching on-campus courses are encouraged to submit proposals. The @ALT Community will provide participants with opportunities to explore learning technology with support from the Center for Teaching and Learning and Academic…

  • Call for Proposals (Spring 2020 pilot): The Applying Learning Technology Community — @ALT Community

    The Spring 2020 pilot of the Applying Learning Technology — @ALT Community will provide an opportunity for faculty participants to meet regularly to learn about and reflect on their teaching, with a focus on effective uses of learning technologies.  Community participants will investigate and provide learning technology solutions to a significant teaching-related problem of their…

  • Thank you for the endorsement President Ray.

    “Each of us can contribute to the university’s student success initiative…share with students that you are here to help their success and help them succeed. Or attend one of the Tuesday Tech Talks put on by the Center for Teaching and Learning.” – President Ed Ray, Oregon State University. From his address to the campus…

  • Ed Tech on the Edge: Demo and Dialogue

    Outside of conferences like Educause, or trade expos like CES, instructors don’t have many dedicated opportunities to interact with different technologies designed for (or leveraged by) educators. OSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning sought to remedy that in its first-ever session with an exclusive focus on Ed Tech, hosted by Cub Kahn and me. The…

  • Student Tech

    The Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac 2013 was published this week, complete with insights from the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research’s annual survey of college students and IT.  This year’s survey collected data between February and April from 112,000 students at 251 institutions.  Five interesting findings: What tech trends do you see in your…