Tag: technology

  • Resilient teaching and technology

    By Will Later, OSU College of Liberal Arts Depending on how many years a person has been teaching, that person has seen many changes in technology in the classroom. From just chalkboards to having to make transparency copies for the overhead projector or making sure the projector is on, developing online modules in Blackboard or…

  • Revolutionizing the classroom: Embracing diverse teaching strategies for impactful learning

    By Md Atikur Rahman, doctoral student, OSU College of Health Having examined the chapter on instructional methods and strategies in An Evidence-based Guide to College and University Teaching, I am fascinated by the various ways that might greatly improve teaching and learning experiences. This contemplation has motivated me to explore a wide range of approaches for…

  • Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Teaching Methods

    By Jie Zhang, OSU College of Science Resilient Teaching Voices Series Resilient teaching involves instructors adapting and thriving in the face of challenges, disruptions, and uncertainties. It encourages flexibility, innovation, and the ability to navigate various obstacles in the educational landscape. Resilient teaching involves two aspects to me: being resilient on the instructor side, but…

  • Resilient Teaching in Spite of Technology Changes

    By Peder Nelson, Senior Instructor, CEOAS Digital technology has held much promise for discovery, research, and long-term impacts for teaching and learning about nearly any subject. For me, as an instructor of computer-based coursework that attempts to build foundational technology skills along with particular domain expertise that takes us into fundamental concepts about how to…

  • ChatGPT = Giant Pedagogical Transformer? Join the Conversation about AI Tools

    Wow! The late 2022 buzz about ChatGPT and other generative AI tools has quickly become a crescendo that is ubiquitous in conversations about teaching and learning in higher ed this spring. Questions abound: How do AI tools work? In what aspects is their output biased? Should their use be discouraged or celebrated in the college…

  • Join a Fall ’21 Faculty Learning Community

    The Fall ’21 Blended Faculty Learning Community, sponsored by CTL and Academic Technology, is gearing up to help you advance your teaching skills. This small, supportive cohort will focus on applying effective practices for skillful use of ed tech and for integrating synchronous and asynchronous learning activities. Participants will explore and develop solutions to self-identified…

  • Join Spring Learning Community: Due Date Extended

    There’s still plenty of time to get your proposal in to join the Spring ’21 Blended Faculty Learning Community. The due date has been extended to March 8. Professional development funding is provided! The Spring learning community will explore and develop solutions for personal teaching challenges through effective use of educational technology. These challenges may…

  • Be a Part of the Spring ’21 Blended Faculty Learning Community

    Guess what? Spring is only 5 weeks away! That means it’s time to submit your proposal to join the Spring ’21 Blended Faculty Learning Community. This learning community is co-sponsored by Academic Technology and the Center for Teaching and Learning.Twenty teaching faculty from 9 different Oregon State University colleges have enjoyed the camaraderie of participating…

  • Join the Winter ’21 Blended Faculty Learning Community

    The Winter ’21 Blended Faculty Learning Community, sponsored by CTL and Academic Technology, will help OSU faculty enhance their teaching, with a focus on applying effective practices for blended learning–in remote, blended, hybrid or flipped courses–and the use of educational technology. Participants will explore and develop solutions for significant pedagogical challenges, and will share their…

  • Apply Now for the Fall 2020 Blended Faculty Learning Community

    The Fall 2020 Blended Faculty Learning Community, sponsored by CTL and Academic Technology, will help OSU faculty enhance their teaching, with a focus on applying effective practices for blended learning and the use of educational technology. Participants will explore and develop solutions for significant pedagogical challenges, and will share their solutions with the OSU community.…