Tag: flexibility

  • Many individual students, one individual instructor!

    By Scott Geddes, OSU-Cascades One of the notable educational outcomes I have experienced in the post-pandemic era has been the change in the public high school system (https://leadershipblog.act.org/2023/10/act-scores-decline.html) and subsequently I have noted a widening in the preparation level of incoming student bodies, particularly in the large enrollment prerequisite classes. As educators and instructors, we…

  • A “Form” of Flexibility: An Easy Way to Grant Extensions to Students

    By Dr. Raechel Soicher, 2022 CTL Blended Learning Innovations in Pedagogy (BLIP) Initiative Faculty Fellow and Instructor in the School of Psychological Science. As with most (all) of my great teaching ideas, I got this one for supporting students from Twitter. Let me back up a sec – some context for why I was searching…

  • Requests for Extensions Getting You Down? Some Solutions.

    It is near the end of Week Seven here at Oregon State University. It is about the time faculty will be getting a lot of requests from students. Requests for more time for a paper, for a quiz, or for an exam. Requests for recording lectures, copies of notes, or zoom links. Most faculty want…

  • Supporting Students’ Finals Prep

    By Marjorie Coffey, Asst. Director, Academic Success Center & Writing Center (ASC &WC) Last spring, I shared ways instructors could encourage and support students as they finished up their first term of remote learning. The most recent OSU Remote Learning Experience Student Survey tells us that remote learning still presents significant challenges for students, even…

  • Planning for Fall by Looking Back

    Spring term is wrapping up and attention is shifting towards fall term. OSU has announced its Resumption Planning which is still in the early stages but strongly implies that Fall 2020 will have a mix of face-to-face, remote, and online elements. With this in mind, instructors are in the tough position of needing to keep…