Category: Hybrid Learning

  • Remote Teaching = Blended Learning: Part 2

    At the outset of Oregon State’s Spring term in late March, the first post in this series suggested considering this sudden shift to remote teaching as an extension of the widely used, evidence-based blended learning modality. Now that we’ve passed the halfway point of the term and faculty are thinking ahead to Summer Session remote…

  • Teaching Hybrid: What Works Well?

    The Center for Teaching and Learning surveyed OSU Corvallis and Cascades campus faculty in Oct. 2016 to determine effective hybrid teaching practices from the perspective of instructors. Results: There was significant consensus among the 28 respondents from 7 OSU colleges. More than three-fourths of the instructors that used each of the following 11 practices rated…

  • Universal Design for Teaching and Learning

     “Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design” –Ron Mace, NCSU Center for Universal Design  Though the term “universal design” has been used since the ‘70s, full application of the principles of universal design to…

  • Flipped Learning

    Have you heard about flipped learning, but you aren’t quite sure what it is or whether you want to try it?  Is there solid evidence that it fosters student success and engagement? If you’re trying to answer these questions, check out A Review of Flipped Learning, a new report based on the growing body of…

  • Justice and Hybrid Pedagogy

    Andrew Valls, OSU political science professor, added his voice to the national dialogue on hybrid courses as well as the role and impacts of MOOCs in higher education in Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad MOOC? posted online yesterday in the Chronicle of Higher Education’s blog.  Prof. Valls teaches a hybrid version of PS 206…