Category: Announcements and Events

  • Congratulations, Class of 2024!

    The Center for Teaching and Learning congratulates the 7,648 graduates in the Oregon State University Class of 2024. You did it! CTL also expresses deep appreciation to OSU faculty, GTAs, learning assistants, advisors and student support services for your dedication and unflagging efforts to skillfully teach, nurture, mentor and guide students. Have a great summer!

  • Elevate your teaching in a faculty learning community: Deadline extended to June 12

    The growth of any craft depends on shared practice and honest dialogue among the people who do it. We grow by trial and error, to be sure—but our willingness to try, and fail, as individuals is severely limited when we are not supported by a community that encourages such risks. – Parker Palmer, The Courage to Teach The Center…

  • Time to Spring into Resilient Teaching! Apply Now

    As winter gradually begins to give way to another verdant Oregon spring, are you looking for an enjoyable way to energize your Corvallis or Cascades campus teaching? Want to join a small, supportive community of faculty focused on resilience and improvement of teaching? Join the Spring ’23 Resilient Teaching Faculty Learning Community sponsored by the…

  • Apply to Participate! Teaching and AI Faculty Learning Community

    “… education will be able to adapt to AI far more effectively than other industries, and in ways that will improve both learning and the experience of instructors.” –Ethan Mollick, The Future of Education in a World of AI When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education there is a lot to consider. …

  • AI on Campus: Upcoming CTL Podcast Explores Artificial Intelligence and Education

    By Raven Chakerian, Blended Learning Faculty Fellow, Center for Teaching and Learning Part of the intrigue of a podcast is its storytelling nature, and the origin story of an upcoming Center for Teaching and Learning podcast on teaching and Artificial Intelligence (AI) marks no exception. In graduate school, I looked forward to the articles focusing…

  • Build Resilience! Join a Resilient Teaching Cohort This Winter

    Want to be part of a supportive community of faculty focused on resilience and improvement of teaching? Looking for an enjoyable way to energize your Corvallis or Cascades campus teaching? Join the Winter ’24 Resilient Teaching Faculty Learning Community sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). A small cohort of faculty from across…

  • New!  Apply to Join the Teaching and AI Faculty Learning Community

    “Ready or not, ChatGPT is now in your classroom. It can write papers, essays, and poems. It can create art and write computer code in many languages. This is not however the time to panic; it is the time to focus on the value you offer students as their instructor.” –Ryan Watkins, Update Your Course…

  • Hands-On Exploration of AI Tools: A Starter Session for Educators

    Want to learn how to use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools that are being applied to teaching and learning? Want to explore the potentials of AI in your teaching or other work at OSU? Then join us for a fun, interactive workshop where you will experience AI firsthand on your own laptop. We’ll try…

  • Join the Quality Teaching Talk on Oct. 31: Questions as Teaching Tools

    By Emma Larkins, Center for Teaching and Learning CTL invites speakers to share pedagogical practices and strategies that can help bring the Quality Teaching (QT) framework to life for learning communities at OSU. Each QT Talk homes in on a principle from the framework with a focus on imparting tangible, practical ways to bring it…

  • Panel Discussion: Accelerating Your Research Using AI

    You’re invited to see how OSU researchers across a range of disciplines use Large Language Models and many other artificial intelligence tools to help them understand and summarize research papers, write code for analysis, process and visualize large amounts of data, and much more, in a dynamic panel format.  Where: MU Horizon Room 49 or…