Author: Jeanna Towns

  • Exciting and Engaging Undergraduate Students in a Post-COVID Classroom

    Join us: Keynote Speaker Dwaine Plaza and Professor of Sociology will present “What is good teaching in the Post-Covid 19 classroom.” This is still a key question that faculty are currently wrestling with in higher education because the culture and students’ expectations have dramatically changed since March 2020. During this presentation, he will use his…

  • Syllabus Insights from First-Generation Students

    Many instructors want their syllabi to help create inclusive learning environments, but in practice it is hard to anticipate how our students will interpret our language, especially because what they consider to be incomprehensible academic jargon is largely dictated by their previous educational experiences. When tackling this challenge, many institutions offer a university glossary of…

  • Join the OSU Digital Accessibility Community

    About the OSU Digital Accessibility Community The Ally accessibility tool in Canvas is about to turn one year old! Now that many faculty are using Ally to check course content, they have questions about how to improve accessibility of their course materials. In order to deliver focused support for the remainder of the academic year,…

  • New Tool for Faculty Peer Review of Canvas Discussions

    Faculty peer reviews of teaching benefit faculty and students in a variety of ways. Peer review is endorsed and recognized within and outside of OSU as an evidence-based practice that supports quality teaching, and is also a component of promotion and tenure dossiers for many OSU faculty. In a campus-based course, a peer reviewer may…

  • Celebrating our Teaching Award Winners!

    Every year, close to 2,000 OSU teaching faculty work hard to provide our students with an exceptional college experience. Being an effective educator takes work. Course design, assessment and course delivery all involve energy. Over the last few years, our teaching faculty kept teaching even through a pandemic.  We, the staff of the Center for…

  • JOIN CTL’s “Read, Reflect, Reform” Spring Book Club

    Join the Center for Teaching and Learning’s “Are You IN(clusive)? READ, REFLECT, REFORM” Spring Book Club. The Read, Reflect, Reform book clubs use a blended format with 2 synchronous meetings (times set by the group, in person or remote) and asynchronous activities. Activities commence Spring Term 2023. You will receive free – Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom…

  • Radical Empathy: 5 Ways to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive

    By Katie Hubler, Ph.D., CTL Special Projects Fellow. Katie’s area of expertise is radical empathy in teaching; well-balanced teaching; course and assignment redesign; and education in the Anthropocene. What is radical empathy? “Radical Empathy” (RE) is a model of holistic, inclusive teaching that can help instructors foster a welcoming and equitable university classroom. It utilizes…

  • RSVP NOW for the CTL’s Celebration of Quality Teaching!!

    Thursday, May 4, 2023, 4:30pm – Reception to follow | MU Horizon Room 49 Hors d’oeuvres and non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages will be served after a short program recognizing Teaching Awardees, and a presentation by Dwaine Plaza, recipient of the 2022 Richard M. Bressler Senior Faculty Teaching Award. RSVP at

  • Course Design Bootcamp

    Have you heard of the Course Design Institute? How about the Course Design Bootcamp? Join the CTL in a streamlined sequence of workshops and activities to learn backwards course design approaches to (re)develop your course. Two consecutive Friday afternoons. March 17 & March 24 | 2PM to 5PM | LINC 307 | Space is limited.…

  • Center for Teaching and Learning Opportunities

    We are nearing the end of Fall term.  As we descend into the hectic last week of the term, here are some great opportunities for December and beyond (space limited so sign up soon). Also help us shape your future faculty development options by taking this 3 min survey. Course Design Institute: Join CTL and…