Autumn leaves and learning: Upcoming events

Oregon State University library quad and autumn foliage

We hope to see you in the coming weeks at these professional development opportunities for Oregon State University faculty and GTAs:

CTL Quality Teaching (QT) Talk: The Courage to Teach

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 3:30 to 4:20 p.m. in LINC 350 and via Zoom – Parker J. Palmer’s classic book emphasizes the deep interconnections between student, subject and teacher that promote learning. David Engel, senior instructor of Spanish at OSU-Cascades, will facilitate this interactive session. Register for the Oct. 29 QT Talk.

Core Ed CIM Proposal Support

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2 to 4 p.m. in the LINC 468 faculty lounge – Are you finishing up a Core Ed course proposal for the November 1 deadline? Join the CADI-to-CIM support team to ask questions, work on your proposal draft, or chat with other Core Ed faculty. Snacks provided!

CTL Sparkshop: Addressing Classroom Incivility: Strategies and Tips

Friday, Nov. 1, noon to 12:20 p.m. via Zoom – Want to learn more about how to address uncivil classroom behaviors that interfere with instruction and student learning? Join this Sparkshop facilitated by CTL’s Funmi Amobi to explore effective strategies to handle different expressions of classroom incivility. Register for the Nov. 1 Sparkshop.

Ecampus Faculty Development and Support: Insight to Impact

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 9 to 9:50 a.m. via Zoom – The newest Ecampus quarterly event pairs research-based insights in online learning with practical applications shared by current Ecampus faculty. This term, the event will focus on a recent student survey on perceptions of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) run by the Ecampus Research Unit and the three faculty recommendations that came from it. You will also hear more about new AI resources from Ecampus that help faculty respond to these recommendations and from an Ecampus faculty member who has thoughtfully integrated a discipline-specific AI tool into their course. Register for Insight to Impact.

CTL Quality Teaching (QT) Talk: Supporting Students in and out of the Classroom

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 3:30 to 4:20 p.m. in Austin 126 and via Zoom – The interactions faculty have with students, whether in class or outside of it, provide opportunities for connection and care. Participants will explore the evidence on student-faculty interactions and identify ways to increase the quality and/or quantity of those interactions. Michelle Bump from the College of Health will facilitate this interactive session. Register now for the Nov. 12 QT Talk.

CTL Artificial Intelligence (AI) Drop-in for Teaching Faculty and GTAs

Monday, Nov. 18, noon to 12:50 p.m. in the LINC 468 faculty lounge. Drop by to discuss generative AI in teaching and learning. This is ideal for instructors and GTAs who are curious about AI capabilities and eager to learn more. Bring a laptop or mobile device. No registration required.

Navigating Civil Discourse in Teaching Contexts: A Fishbowl Discussion

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 3 to 4:15 p.m., MU Horizon Room – As part of the CTL’s Fall 2024 “Teaching in Turbulent Times” series, this session will focus on sharing successes, practical tips, and innovative approaches for facilitating classroom-dialogue enriched by diverse and challenging perspectives. This will be a fishbowl discussion, with an inner circle that will engage in dialogue. Attendees will be in a larger outer circle and will observe the conversation, with opportunities to contribute if desired. The conversationalists will include stakeholders such as faculty, college administrative leaders, and representatives from programs such as Difference, Power, and Oppression (DPO). Register now for Navigating Civil Discourse.


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