CTL Lumen Learning GRANT Opportunity


We are excited to announce a grant funded professional development opportunity with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Lumen Learning. In collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning, Lumen hopes to engage faculty (tenure track and fixed term) and graduate students with new resources and experiences, and study the impact in order to inform future work. This grant project will help better understand the teaching practices that positively impact student success and as a result, develop a model for teaching success.

BENEFITS: $500 is available for each participant. All students using Lumen Learning in grant-related courses will have their course fees waived.   Space is LIMITED, SIGN UP NOWDEADLINE: March 1st, 2022.

Why Participate?

Faculty members are an essential part of U.S. higher education with tremendous potential to impact student success. Too often, faculty miss out on support services and professional development opportunities to help them expand their capabilities as effective teachers.

There are two main options:

I. SUCCESS CIRCLES: Does well-designed courseware + faculty professional development better support success?

Your Commitment:

  • Teach your course for two semesters using Waymaker or OHM (Implement courseware if you are not a current user)
  • Participate in Success Accelerator
  • Estimated time: 2 hours per week engaging virtually in Success Accelerator Circle

Success Accelerator builds capability for faculty using Lumen’s courseware with mentoring and peer support around course design, pedagogy, use of learning data, and best practices to increase student success.

What’s included in Success Accelerator

  • 6-week virtual learning circle to build skills and apply effective teaching practices
  • Weekly reflection & peer collaboration activities
  • Lumen Circles platform and professional development community
  • Faculty Mentors to consult on pedagogy, learning design, teaching practices, technology
  • Opt into Lumen Circle Fellowship during a future term

Grounded in evidence-based teaching practices and self-reflection, Lumen’s Success Accelerator works well for any faculty member, in any discipline, and at any stage of career.

II. Does combining evidence-based teaching practices + Belonging focused faculty development better support success?

Your Commitment

  • Participate in Belonging Circle
  • Estimated time: 2 hours per week engaging virtually in Belonging & Inclusive Teaching Fundamentals Circle

Belonging & Inclusive Teaching Fundamentals build

What’s included in Belonging Circle?

  • 9-week virtual learning circle to build skills and apply effective teaching practices
  • Weekly reflection & peer collaboration activities
  • Lumen Circles platform and professional development community
  • Faculty Mentors to consult on pedagogy, learning design, teaching practices, technology
  • Opt into Lumen Circle Fellowship during a future term

BENEFITS: Participants will receive a $500 stipend. All students using Lumen Learning in grant-related courses will have their course fees waived.


DEADLINE: March 1st, 2022.

QUESTIONS: Email  Regan.Gurung@oregonstate.edu


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