CTL at University Day 2019

The 2019 University Day Expo provided a showcase of the many resources available to Faculty and Staff and OSU.  The Center for Teaching and Learning was a visible participant and the booth provided a great opportunity to share what is going on up on the 4th floor of LInC.

If you missed the chance to stop by, come by our office for some great swag or check out our website for all the Fall offerings.

Members of Team CTL (from left: Funmi Amobi; Brooke Howland, Lexi Schlosser) fielded questions about inspiring teaching with evidence-informed educational practices and to share the many resources CTL has for OSU faculty and staff.


Instructional Consultant and College Liaison,
Funmi Amobi deep in conversation. Colleges on
campus can contact CTL to request her expertise
in course design and instructional technologies.
Left: Associate Director Brooke Howland goes
over the depth of our offerings.
Right: Brooke, Lexi (GTA) , and Jeanna Towns
comparing notes.
Left: New Interim Executive Director
Regan A. R. Gurung gets a friendly
welcome from Benny.


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