Meet Mary Jensen, UIT Executive Assistant to the CIO.

Tell us a little about yourself — what would you like to share with the team?
I lived in NY for the first half of my life (Lawn Guyland) and have been traveling steadily westward ever since. I moved to Corvallis in 2003 and co-owned a downtown coffee shop for the next 13 years. Prior to coming to UIT I worked for the OSU Alumni Association. If you came to a tailgater in the Alumni Center, I was probably there. Go Beavs!
What excites you about working at OSU?
I love the research and innovation that OSU is known for. It’s exciting to be a small part of such a creative and talented community.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff.
Coffee or tea?
If you could visit any fictional world or place, what would it be and why?
I’d love to hang out with the Hobbits in Hobbiton.
Where can we find you (i.e. office location, via Teams, etc.)?
I’m in the Executive Suite of the Jefferson Street Building. You can message me on Teams or by email (