Getting to know Ashley Peterson

Meet Ashley Peterson, UIT’s newest Information Technology Coordinator with Academic Technologies’ Media Services team.

Hello! My name is Ashley and I am very excited to be joining the UIT team. I graduated from OSU in 2019 so I feel right at home on campus. When I’m not working, I love to read, catch up on my favorite shows, and play games with friends.

What excites you about working at OSU?

I love media, especially working with cameras, so I’m excited to have the opportunity work with so many different people doing something I enjoy. I also love the OSU campus, and it’s been fun getting to meet my new colleagues and other staff on campus while I’m out and about.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is to take everything as a learning opportunity. It’s important to acknowledge when you make a mistake, and then be able to overcome it. Whether it’s for work or something for fun, there’s always room to learn and grow.

Coffee or tea?

While I do enjoy a nice cup of tea on occasion, coffee has my whole heart. 

If you could visit any fictional world or place, what would it be and why?

If I could visit any fictional place, it would probably be the Netflix show Bee and Puppycat. The animation of the scenery in the show is beautiful and I like that while the show is set in one town on an island, they often go to different themed planets. 

Where can we find you (i.e. office location, via Teams, etc.)?

You can find me on the 4th floor of the LInC. My teams is Ashley Peterson (