An update has been released to the development environment on Friday, Sept. 20th, 2019. Barring any security releases, this update will be applied to production on Tuesday Sept. 24th, 2019. The following updates will be applied:
Major Version Upgrade
- None
Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates
- None
Contributed Module Updates
- Biblio 7.x-1.1: More than 10 updates. Please see project page release notes.
- Field Collection 7.x-1.1: fixed error that displays when no field collection exists
- Google Tag Manager 7.x-1.5:
- Do not override $GLOBAL[‘conf’] during cron run. [requires variable_realm]
- Changed prefix on url variable in call to t() in hook_requirements().
- Check for Windows OS in _google_tag_is_executable().
- Added ‘defer’ attribute to script tag.
- Test existence of posix functions before call.
- Removed iframe content and title attribute from noscript tag.
- Test $status before call to strpos(). [PHP 7.3]
- Inline Entity Form 7.x-1.9: fixed issue with the deletion of variations of the parent entity during save
- Viewfield 7.x-2.2:
- Increased arguments #maxlength to match db column max length
- Added a field formatter to show only title, display, arguments
- Fixed token loading problem for other entities
- Added missing taxonomy term tokens
- Fixed non-hidden widget when adding entity via Inline Entity Form
- Webform 7.x-4.20: more than 10 updates. Please see project page release notes.
OSU Module Updates
- Feature Story 7.x-2.4 – fixes full screen layout issue with misaligned caption text
OSU Theme Updates
- None
If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.
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