The Drupal 7.39-cws-1.2.0 update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, October 13th, and will be released to production sites on Tuesday, October 20th. This release includes:
Major Version Upgrade
- None
Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates
- None
New Modules Added
- Access Control Bridge: 7.x-1.2
- Added to improve the interplay between the different access control modules we use (Domain Access and Organic Groups).
Contributed Module Updates
- Colorbox: 7.x-2.9 -> 7.x-2.10
- Less Critical Security fix to prevent users from adding unexpected content to a colorbox, including content from external sites, which could allow an unprivileged user to deface a site. Issue was mitigated by the fact that comments must be enabled (they are not used on our sites).
- Filefield Paths: 7.x-1.0-beta4 -> 7.x-1.0-rc1
- Over 22 issues addressed in this move to a Release Candidate. Please see the release notes list for details.
- Pathauto: 7.x-1.2 -> 7.x-1.3
- Over 37 issues addressed. Please see the release notes list for details.
- Views Field View: 7.x-1.1 -> 7.x-1.2
- Fixed query aggregation for field api fields
- Sorted list of views
- Fixed strict warning only variables – should be passed by reference in options_form()
- Added simple, static caching
- Webform: 7.x-4.10 -> 7.x-4.11
- 15 issues/feature improvements added. Please see the release notes list for details.
OSU Module Updates
- Live Feeds: Added Google Calendar Feed into module
- OSU Search: Removed unnecessary argument from query string for Google Site Search
OSU Theme Updates
- Doug Fir: Added improved styling for Views Accordian menu
Request for Feedback
- Feature Page: As mentioned in our Drupal Community Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 13th, any users who are interested in testing out the Feature Page in a dev environment, please put in a request via the contact form below.
If you have questions or concerns please contact us though our contact form.
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