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Updates were applied to the production environment today, Wednesday, February 16th, 2022. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment today, Monday, February 7th, 2022. Barring any security updates or issues, the updates will be pushed to the production environment on Tuesday, February 8th, 2022. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Acquia Connector 7.x-3.9
    • Cache the list of V3 indexes on acquia_connector-7.x-3.x
    • Fixing query splitting issue.
    • Added warning message for D7 EOL.
    • Update 7.x-3.x to be php 7.4 compatible.
    • Added overriding before it jumps to read only server.
    • Allow deleting configs.
  • Chaos Tools (CTools) 7.x-1.20
    • Deprecated: Required parameter $formatter in PHP 8.0
    • PHP 8.1 compatibility
    • Fixed PHP Fatal error Class ‘ViewsSqlTest’ not found in ctools/views_content/tests/src/views_content.test
    • Fixed PHP 7.4 notice in ctools_entity_form_field_content_type_admin_title()
  • Colorbox 7.x-2.16
    • Resolves all known security issues
  • File Entity 7.x-2.35
    • Made download links translatable
    • Fixed when changes to usage page cause missing info for file_lock module
    • Fixed file_entity_file_formatter_file_field_settings() might not pass correct data to field formatters
  • Menu Block 7.x-2.9
    • Fixed Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in _menu_block_format_title()
    • Fixed Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in menu_tree_add_active_path()
    • Fixed PHP 74 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in menu_block_tree_output()
  • Token 7.x-1.9
    • Removed unused AJAX callback

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

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Updates were applied to the production environment on Thursday, January 20th, 2022. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Core 7.87
    • Fix regression caused by jQuery UI position() backport (this affected a few things, including LinkIt)

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the production environment today, Wednesday, January 19th, 2022. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • Views 7.x-3.25 Patch
    • Update to views 7.x-3.25 conflicted with Views Bulk Operations and resulted in the inability to select all items over a paginated view. This patch fixes the issue.

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment today, Thursday, December 9th, 2021. Barring any security issues, the updates will be pushed to production on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • CKEditor 7.x-1.22
    • Fixed Call to undefined function ckeditor_module_path() in ckeditor_update_7006()
    • Fixed UI Color Picker that contained a broken custom skins path
    • Fixed notice on ckeditor_load_by_field() after switching to PHP7.4
    • Upgrade CKEditor to 4.17.1
  • Entity API 7.x-1.10
  • File Entity 7.x-2.33
    • PHP 8.0 compatibility
  • MIME Mail 7.x-1.2
  • Rules 7.x-2.13
    • PHP 8.1 compatibilty – end()
    • Added namespace dependencies in .info files
    • PHP 8.1 compatibility – function_exists()
    • PHP 8.1 compatibility – str_replace()
    • PHP 8.1 compatibility – #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
    • PHP 8.0 introduced breaking change to call_user_func_array()
    • Required parameters following optional parameters

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment last night, Monday, October 18th, 2021. Barring any security issues, the updates will be pushed to production on Thursday, October 21st, 2021. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • OSU Editor 7.x-2.5
    • Paste from Word will now work a little differently. You will no longer be required to press the “Paste from Word” button on the tool bar: you can just paste your text directly into your editor and it will keep the formatting from Word while cleaning up any unnecessary bits. There will also be a new “Clear Formatting” button that will clear formats applied to text you select.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment today, Tuesday, September 14th, 2021. Barring any security issues, the updates will be pushed to production on Thursday, September 16th, 2021. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment today, Tuesday, July 13th, 2021. Barring any security issues, the updates will be pushed to production on Thursday, July 15th. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • Frequently Asked Questions 7.x-1.3
  • Metatag 7.x-1.28
    • Fixes return of “result count” to avoid Notice in php 7.4
    • Makes hreflang tags available even if only one language is enabled
    • fixes metatag_metatags_form() so it does not break page
    • Facebook/OG production tag product:retailer_item_id, and description updates
    • Provide link to Facebook Open Graph debugger
    • Expose meta tag data as a Views field
    • Added Facebook verification meta header
  • Webform 7.x-4.24
    • Created webform_valid_email_address_filter()
    • Handle non-numeric parameters in webform_modulo()
    • Checks values before accessing
    • Increased length limit for test values in conditionals
    • Coding standards
    • Allows progressive batch export to be disabled

OSU Module Updates

  • OSU Top Hat 7.x-1.4
    • Updates outdated links in mobile menu

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment today, Tuesday, May 11th, 2021. Barring any security issues, the updates will be pushed to production on Thursday, May 13th. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Core Patch
    • Added WebP image support

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • Paragraphs Alerts
    • Fixed sticky at bottom so it spans full width on a monitor
  • Media Mediaspace
    • updated video player

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

A patch was applied to the production environment on Wednesday April 21st, 2021. Additionally, four contributed module updates have been applied to the dev environment. Barring any security issues, the dev patches will be pushed to production on Tuesday, April 27th. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • Link 1.9
    • fixed syntax error that was introduced in 1.8 upgrade
  • Media 2.27
    • PHP 8.0 compatibility
  • Redirect 1.0-rc4
  • Token 1.8
    • fixed possible infinite loop in token_menu_link_load_all_parents()
    • fixed PHP 7.4 compatibility for the [array:value:*] token
    • require at least core 7.23 to avoid fatal errors with undefined drupal_array_diff_assoc_recursive()
    • fixed a failing test
    • pass colgroups and sticky properties from theme_tree_table() to theme_table()

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.