Almost there! Hope your midterms were refreshing and fun. Take a look at all the things you need to know for week 8.
Important Dates
- Career Development Workshops: Hallie Ford Center 115
- Nov 15, 6pm: Etiquette Meal and Presentation
- Thanksgiving Holiday observed: Nov. 24-25
- Dead Week: Nov. 28–Dec. 2
- Last Day for withdrawal from the term: Dec. 2 at 5pm
Coming Spring Term!
Registration PINS
Starting Spring term 2017, ALL students must have an approved Fall 2017 term course plan on file in their MyDegrees, in order to receive a PIN and register for classes. Tutorial for MyDegrees and Planner. First-Year students will receive their Winter and Spring Term PINS after the First Year Workshops or individual advising appointment.
Announcement all PHHS students
Check your email in order to provide feedback for our advisor!
Philanthropic Opportunity
Alternative Spring Break program is centered on creating transformative, experiential learning experiences for students through regional, reciprocal campus-community partnerships. Being immersed in community environments enables participants to experience, discuss, and understand social issues in a significant way. This is an opportunity to learn about yourself, challenge yourself, build community, gain leadership skills, and have fun! The program runs from March 25 – April 1. Priority deadline for applications for all three trips is Thursday, Dec. 1, and need-based Travel Grants are now available to defray the costs! For more information, visit Alternative Spring Break.
Winter Term Class Opportunity
UEXP 499 is a winter term course offering through Student Leadership & Involvement. If you are new to leadership development, and are looking for ways to increase your leadership skills, knowledge and confidence, you are encouraged to register for the Emerging Leaders course (UEXP 499, CRN 40479, 2 credits, Wednesdays 4-5:50pm) for winter term.
Graduate Program Opportunity
University of Washington. Graduates from the Exposure Science/Industrial Hygiene program become experts in exposure assessment for a wide variety of health hazards. Many graduates establish careers as health and safety professionals and obtain certification as Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH), Certified Safety Professionals (CSP), or Certified Professional Ergonomists (CPE). For more information, visit:
Global Opportunities Fair
Students, have you ever thought about studying or interning abroad? Did you know that you can earn OSU credit toward your degree, and apply most forms of OSU financial aid and scholarships? Visit the Global Opportunities Fair, on Tue. Nov. 15, in the Horizon Room of the Memorial Union, and come meet staff and students who would love to help you successfully go abroad as an OSU student! For more information visit the event page.
Field Notes from Critical Information Studies
Workshop and Lunch with Dr. Safiya Noble, on Nov. 16, 11:30am-1pm, in 1005 Kelley Engineering, Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble from the UCLA Department of Information Studies will discuss the importance of the digitally-enabled academic-activist community to offer models of intervention and resistance through research, practice and teaching. Interested? Visit the registration page.
Information Session
Exploring Health & Culture in the Dominican Republic, this information session discusses the faculty-led study abroad program to the Dominican Republic in Summer 2017. The information session is Nov. 30, 6-7:15pm, in WB 205. To R.S.V.P, visit: Information