Weekly news

Week Four Fall 2018

It’s Week 4, between all the studying for your exams, do not forget to take care of yourself! Take breaks by going on walks, meditating, or by spending time with friends.

Weekly news

Week Three Fall 2018

It’s Week 3, the leaves are falling…do not let your grades fall too! This is a great time to go to your professor’s office hours to get some extra help before assignments pile up!

Weekly news

Week Two Fall 2018

It’s Week 2, this is a great time to get involved on campus! Check out the CPHHS clubs and organizations! To stay up to date with the Office of Student Success, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Weekly news

Week One Fall 2018

Welcome back to Oregon State (or welcome to your first term here)! As you may know, some of our advisors are leaving our College, so check your MyDegrees to see if your advisor has changed! Check out the new opportunities offered by the College of Public Health and Human Sciences.

Weekly news

Finals Week Spring 2018

It’s Finals Week; we’ve finally made it! Good luck on all your finals this week. A special congratulations to all the graduating seniors! ? Comments, questions, or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.

Weekly news

Week Ten Spring 2018

It’s Week 10, the last week of classes! Summer is just around the corner!
Check out the new opportunities offered by the College of Public Health and Human Sciences

Weekly news

Week Nine Spring 2018

Check out the new opportunities offered by the College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ Office of Student Success.

Weekly news

Week Eight Spring 2018

Check out the new opportunities offered by the College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ Office of Student Success.

Weekly news

Week Seven Spring 2018

Check out the new opportunities for students offered by the College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ Office of Student Success

Weekly news

Week Six Spring 2018

It’s Week 6, and the weather promises to be unpredictable. Be sure to take a jacket with you! Comments, questions, or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.