The Lavender Network Newsmagazine collection contains copies of the newsmagazine The Lavender Network, a monthly publication focused on the LGBTQ+ communities of Oregon, published by Ronald B. Zahn.
The Collection Finding Aid for The Lavender Network Newsmagazine, 1986-1992
About The Lavender Network Newsmagazine, 1986-1992 Collection
The Lavender Network was based in Eugene, Oregon, and published monthly between February 1986 and October 1994 by Ron Zahn. This collection includes issues of the newsmagazine published between 1986 and 1992, and a 1988 Commemorative Calendar of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.
Earlier issues have a particular focus on the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact on LGBTQ+ communities in Oregon and across the nation. These issues highlight political activism, current events and civil rights efforts regarding the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination that accompanied this epidemic. Also, included in these issues are memorials and obituaries for those from the Eugene community who died due to HIV/AIDS-related illnesses. Furthermore, these issues contain news and federal updates on the HIV/AIDS epidemic, information about research into treatments and drugs, information about confidential and anonymous testing, educational material on HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission, information about support groups for people with HIV/AIDS and their loved ones, and information about safe sex practices. Of note are pieces published by Ken Storer, director of Shanti, an organization in Oregon, which provided support and advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS.
In general, the issues have a specific focus on LGBTQ+ communities in Eugene and Oregon. The issues contain community news updates, national news updates, information about protests and demonstrations happening in the community, political organizing happening locally and nationally, information about community resources, organizations and LGBTQ+ affirming business. The issues also contain a calendar of community events, opinion columns, poetry, lists of LGBTQ+ books accompanied with brief reviews, word and trivia games, and classified, personal and person-to-person ads. Of note are articles on the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement in Eugene/Springfield and the Eugene Gay People’s Alliance, on topics such as co-parenting, LGBTQ+ parenting and custody laws, on the ACLU Oregon’s efforts to pass the pro-LGBTQ+ House Bill 2325, on the National Gay March on Washington of 1988, and articles about several federal hate crime laws. Also of importance are pieces on the Lesbians in Coalition Against Racism and Anti-Semitism and the Oregon Minority AIDS Coalition, two organizations from Oregon who worked at the intersections of race and LGBTQ+ identity.
About The Lavender Network
The Lavender Network was based in Eugene, Oregon, and published monthly between February 1986 and October 1994 by Ron Zahn. The newsmagazine began publication just a few years before Measure 8 was introduced by the Oregon Citizens Alliance, and was published throughout the aforementioned group’s efforts to pass anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion initiatives such as Measure 9 and Measure 6 in Oregon. The publication timeline of The Lavender Network overlapped with two other Oregon based LGBTQ+ newspapers, Just Out and the Alternative Connection.
The newsmagazine describes itself as follows: “Our purpose is to build community unity through networking, and to work toward social change. We believe that strength comes from unity. By recognizing and respecting our diversity while emphasizing our similarities and shared interests, TLN can help facilitate accord and trust-building within the community. TLN encourages lesbian and gay pride and dignity through positive exploration of our gay cultural heritage. We also provide current community news, health education and AIDS information, a community resource guide and a calendar of community events. TLN is committed to human rights, lesbian and gay empowerment, disarming homophobia and ending discrimination.”
Preferred Citation
The Lavender Network Newsmagazine (MSS LavenderNetwork), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.