The Urban League of Portland hosted its 2018 Equal Opportunity Dinner (EOD) on September 11, 2018 at the Oregon Convention Center, an Extraordinary Extravaganza! It was also the 50th year commemorating the assassination of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and an opportunity to revisit his message that he delivered to the Portland Community in November 1961 about “Eliminating the Barriers to Equal Opportunity.” And the OMA was in attendance to showcase archival materials from the ULPDX archival collection.
Each year, the Urban League of Portland holds the EOD to showcase its programs and services which it has directed to help build financial stability, promote self-care and awareness, and provide access to employment, affordable housing, quality schools, or even the basic opportunities to succeed like food and health care. Also, it was a time to honor extraordinary people that have helped empower and change lives in Oregon. This year the keynote address was given by Sadiqa Reynolds, President and CEO of the Louisville Urban League, and the EOD Honoree was Honorable Ancer L. Haggerty, (Ret.), an inactive Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon.
The event comprised of traditional African drumming, music from local artists, and presentations from local leaders. It was also opportunity for the community to provide financial sponsorship at this important occasion to support the continuous efforts of the Urban League to help empower African Americans and others to achieve equality in education, health, housing, and economic stability.
It was a wonderful evening and the OMA looks forward to the 2019 EOD!