
Mes del Orgullo de la Discapacidad

Por Megan McQueen Para muchas personas, sentirse en comunidad con personas que tengan una identidad en común es una forma útil de crear lazos. Un sentido de camaradería y orgullo puede crear una cultura empática, vulnerable e informativa. El Mes del Orgullo de la Discapacidad se ha celebrado de muchas formas después de la promulgación […]


Disability Pride Month

By Megan McQueen For many people, finding community with others with a common identity is a helpful way to bond. A sense of camaraderie and pride can create an empathetic, vulnerable, and informative culture. Disability Pride Month has been celebrated in many forms in July after the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). […]


Living with Autism

By Megan McQueen As an educator, I have worked with many people who have autism. No two of these people have been the same (of course). Sometimes there are common traits among them, but not always. Unlike other neurodiverse syndromes, I can’t just look up their condition to better understand them. I need to get […]