MGMT 448 Blog Posts

Week 2: Experiences with Discrimination

The company I have chosen for this discrimination scenario is Disney. I believe that if situations of discrimination had come to light in any of the business aspects of the company – such as the parks, movie studios, management, etc. – I would look at the company completely differently. Ever since I was young, I have been around all things Disney. This makes me feel nostalgic towards the company each time I interact with anything Disney related. Hearing this news would be a huge disappointment. Not only would it change my childhood view of the company, but it would change how I approached Disney when I have kids in the future.

If the discrimination cases were theme park related, I would rethink going there for vacations. If the cases were movie or television show related, I would rethink spending money on Disney+ or seeing Disney movies in the theaters and supporting the company in this way. There would always be a voice in the back of my head reminding me of their discrimination and how they treat their employees.

In addition to the above, I have always wanted to work for Disney in some capacity. This would change my desire to work there, making me wonder if these problems would continue even after being brought to light. I have always had a positive view of Disney as a company and if cases of discrimination were to surface, it would change my entire outlook on the company in my mind, even if they remedied the situation.

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5 replies on “Week 2: Experiences with Discrimination”

I think it is amazing that you put it into perspective of a company that you have supported for a while. I think it is harder of a question when you think about a company you have previously wanted to work for. Companies should realize that their image plays a large part in recruitment and if people want to work for them or not. If they’re riddled with discrimination, the right people will not work for the company. The entire culture will shift, and less people they’re searching for will want to be associated with them.

You use a really great example here. A company like Disney is loved by so many people, including myself. If they were to be in this situation I would be truly disappointed. With the positive and joyful brand that Disney has created, I think being faced with discrimination charges would cause a lot of hardship for them.

This is a fantastic example, a company like Disney has had a major impact in almost everyone of our childhoods and continue to do so for the next one as well. Because their brand stays on the themes of positive, exciting, and fun with their content and theme parks, this would be a crushing blow to their brand as a whole. If a story like this broke at Disney, it would cause them to lose a lot of business across the board. I believe that they know this, and thats why they take a lot of precautions and properly fund their HR departments to prevent something like this from happening.

Hi Olivia. Your blog post is really interesting. I think when most people think of Disney they initially think happiest place on earth and childhood memories. I think people would be relatively surprised if Disney were to be discriminating against people when it comes to recruitment and selection. I agree with you in that I think it would really change people’s opinions of Disney. I think I would reconsider supporting Disney and wanting to work there if I found out that they were discriminating. I imagine a large international company such as Disney would have structure and well thought out recruitment and selection procedures.

Overall your post made me think about a well known company and how I would feel and behave if I found out Disney was acting in a way that does not align with my own values.

Hi Olivia! I really loved how you used a true example of a company you love for this post. Disney is a wonderful company, and I can very much relate with you on how disappointing it would be to hear they were participating in discriminatory acts. We as consumers have the power of choice and can stop buying or supporting a company if we so chose. These choices will have serious impacts on a company so it is in their best interests and ours to make ethical and moral choices when doing business, especially in this day and age where every business decision can be made public so easily.

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