OCCRI Network and Collaborators

John Abatzoglou, Climatology Lab, University of California, Merced

Adaptation International

Idowu Ajibade, Portland State University

Meghna Babbar-Sebens, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University

Jack Barth, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and Marine Studies Initiative, Oregon State University

Hilary Boudet, School of Public Policy, Oregon State University

Laura Brophy, Estuary Technical Group, Institute for Applied Ecology, Oregon State University

Maya Buchanan, Oregon Department of Energy

Heejun Chang, Hydrology and Water Resources, Department of Geography, Portland State University

Steven J. Dundas, Department of Applied Economics & Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University

Paris Edwards, USDA Northwest Climate Hub

Sarah Frederick, US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10

Jessica Halofsky, Forest Service, Northwest Climate Hub and Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center

Ryan Haugo, The Nature Conservancy in Oregon

Katherine Hegewisch, Climatology Lab, University of California, Merced

Tia Ho, Finding Mindful Now and Portland State University

Andrés Holz, Global Environmental Change Lab, Department of Geography, Portland State University

Jeffrey Jenkins, University of California, Merced

Chas Jones, Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians & Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center

Chris Lower, Portland State University

William P. Nanavati, Department of Geography, Portland State University

Bart Nijssen, UW Hydro | Computational Hydrology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington

Michael J. Olsen, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University

Oregon Sea Grant

Pacific Marine Energy Center

Laura Platt, Portland State University

Holly Prendeville, USDA Northwest Climate Hub and USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station

Meg Reed, Land Use Planning and Climate Change, Oregon Coastal Management Program

Charlotte Regula Whitefield, Oregon Coordinating Council on Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia

Alexandra Rempel, Environmental Studies Program, University of Oregon

Mojtaba (Moji) Sadegh, Civil Engineering, Boise State University

Viccy Salazar, US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10

Tim Sheehan, Environmental Sciences Program, Oregon State University

Deepti Singh, School of the Environment, Washington State University Vancouver