General #8: Ways in which you are looking at increasing efficiency-cutting items to keep fee low

Most of our efficiency measures in building services have to do with HVAC systems and temperature management, installation of high efficiency equipment wherever possible, reduction of building occupancy to 2 shifts, looking carefully at how best to extend the life of furnishings/equipment through maintenance and repair.  Many MU furnishings are original to the MU.  Currently building new workstations out of surplus modular furniture, rather than buying new (15 built in 2011 alone).

In terms of efficiencies with student programs, we are simply serving more people with the FTE we have by creating a higher ratio of students/programs to advisors.  We have met capacity in some areas (i.e. Intl. Programs, and the Cultural Meals Program) and are building new areas that meet the needs of the students and the OSU strategic plan (Civic Engagement), so we are looking to add staff in those areas while maintaining a 0% increase in fees.

About sumnerk

Memorial Union Marketing & Assessment
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