General #1: How many students you serve through your programs/events/employment?

  • Programs: That’s a tough question to concisely answer when you look at the scope of what the MU budget covers programmatically speaking.  Student Events and Activities supports 380 student organizations which list a minimum of 1,530 student leaders and 17,519 reported members.  The Cultural Meals Program engaged an estimated 5,000 student volunteers and served 15,000+ meals to students and community. SLI also supports more than 100+ students focused on socially responsible leadership and social justice through the Student Sustainability Initiative and Team Liberation.  For groups like MUPC, it has to be more than 10,000 program participants per year.  Civic Engagement is growing and will probably service 1,000 or more students this year.  ISOSU is another group with potentially 10,000 or more program participants per year.  There are at least 200 or more partaking in our Leadership efforts.  While the Center for Greek Life is not funded by SIFC, it is a part of SLI and that Center serves a community of over 2,800 students.
  • Events:  We service about 14,000 reservations per year with a total audience of 325,000 to 350,000
  • Food Service: We serve over 350,000 a term at our dining venues.
  • Facilities Access: We average over 11,000 visitors a day at the Memorial Union.
  • We directly employ around 373 students and our staff advise over 450 students funded by other finance board (such as EdAc)

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Memorial Union Marketing & Assessment
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