With my favorite organization under fire for the widespread discrimination claims I think I would need to carefully reevaluate many elements of my connection and support for them. However, I do think that many of my decisions would come down to the exact extent of the claims and the overall information behind them. If the claims were vast and extremely blatant cases of discrimination than I would have zero support for any organization, however if the claims were far more sparing and possible falls under an adverse impact claim, then I would most likely continue to support the organization and hope changes would be made.
Discrimination is something that in no way shape or form should be tolerated, even today when it comes in so many forms for so many groups, people, etc. it has seemingly become more common, and thus far harder for companies to keep combatting. As this grows and becomes harder to adapt to on a near daily basis, I am fully expecting to see new discrimination claims arise for organizations who simply need to make an update to policies and did not intend for the issue to arise. With this mindset I often will continue to support an organization that falls into such a situation, yet if a company blatantly knows what they are doing and allowed it to happen despite warnings or calls, then my support is lost. If a company I support is found to have been purposely screening and excluding resumes of a certain group or because of a shared factor across them, (beyond skills, etc.) and this got out, I would almost instantly stop all support for them. Everyone should have the proper opportunity ofr any job, and if they are ruled out it needs to be for skills, experience, etc. and not because of age, race, group, etc. no matter the company no matter the job, so any company I support that violates these in my eyes would instantly lose my support without any hesitation.
Add Yours →I was also very much aligned that discrimination should never be tolerated. It’s definitely disheartening to see how prevalent it is in our society. I agree that companies must continuously strive to fight it. I thought you approached the decision if you would continue to support the organization based on whether the claims are widespread and blatant. Sometimes there are one-offs and those can be contributed to a bad seed. I would also withdraw my support entirely if it was blatant. However, if there were unintentional biases, I might be on the fence, unless the company was proactive in resolving it, then I would be in support of the business.
You bring up an important issue of intent. I agree that if the intent of the organization is to discriminate against a particular class then there should be no leniency for that organization. If however, as you stated, the company is behind in revising its processes for hiring then they should be given the benefit of the doubt from their employees and begin the process of compliance with the laws in place.
Nice job!