By Elza Records, Master Gardener Program Staff

How do you start your own plants from seed?
What seeds can you plant directly outside, and when?
How you can save seeds from your plants to grow or share?
Here are three research-based resources for seed starting that Master Gardeners regularly share with gardeners in Linn and Benton Counties.
- Growing Your Own – OSU Extension Catalog is the go-guide for a quick reference seed starting plan for vegetable gardens. Wherever you live in Oregon this publication has a useful start with dates for starting seeds. Inside or out, this guide has all the dates you need. Also available in Spanish, FREE.
- Propagating Plants from Seed is an in-depth resource for gardeners and small-scale growers. It includes steps to start vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs from seed.
- Saving vegetable seeds by the University of Minnesota Extension Service has the basics you’ll need to harvest, clean and preserve seeds for the future.