The Summer Dip is Here: Log Prices and Trends 

By Lauren Grand, OSU Extension Forestry & Natural Resources, Lane County 

Keeping consistent with normal trends, this summer’s prices are already decreasing. Small-diameter wood is abundant because of access, the ice storm, and two small log mills closing in the area. Demand for smaller logs is low and prices have decreased about five percent after being consistent for a little while. Large logs have some interest, but nothing that will make you jump out of your chair.  

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It’s a downward trend: Log Prices and Trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Extension Forestry & Natural Resources, Lane County

This time of year is usually when prices are moving upward into the springtime, but this year isn’t following suit. This is likely a result of a few things including not much excitement coming out of the lumber market, the ice storm, and two small log mills closing in the area.

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Time off for the holidays: Log prices and trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Extension Forestry & Natural Resources, Lane County

The lumber market hasn’t perked up just yet and with prices being low many mills and yards are relying heavily on their inventory or taking some down time as they wait to see how the lumber market will respond in the new year.

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Back to Normal: Log Prices and Trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension, Extension Agent serving Lane County

I feel like this is the first time, in a long time, that I’m reporting a normal summer. Prices are holding steady and despite the fires there are enough logs out there to keep prices from increasing as we approach the end of the summer. In addition, lumber prices have come down quite a bit so we may even see log prices go down before going back up to match the winter demand due to access issues. There seems to be some mills with lots of inventory and some mills aggressively buying so be sure to call around to find the best fit for your property and your logs. Douglas-fir prices are currently sitting in the $800-850/mbf, about $100/mbf less than what we were seeing this time last year.

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Time to dust off your management plan? Log prices & trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension, Extension Agent serving Lane County

We are coming up on spring and that means summer is just around the corner. If you are thinking about a harvest this summer, it is time to take your management plan off the shelf and review your goals. How will this harvest help you meet your management goals? What are the things you’ll need to get started on now to be ready?  Following the market and log prices is one of them.

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Are you the winter logging type? Log and non-timber forest product prices & trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension, Extension Agent serving Lane County

Log buyers are actively looking for wood right now and while prices aren’t where they were last winter, they are certainly good and on par with past years. Prices are likely seeing a dip from last year because housing interest rates are up quite a bit and home buying is less attractive. That being said, winter is usually a difficult time for small landowners to access their trees for harvesting anyway, but if you are set up for it, it can prove to be beneficial as inventories are typically lower now than in the summer. Douglas-fir prices are currently sitting in the $800/mbf range for 6 to 9-inchers and $900/mbf range for the 10-inch pluses. Of course, large logs and premium logs could see $100-200 more per thousand depending on what you’ve got.

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The Summer has been good to us: Log and Non-timber Forest Product Prices and Trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension, Extension Agent serving Lane County

Prices are continuing to be good and even increase slightly this summer. Normally I’d have the inclination to say, “we are flying high on increasing prices that we don’t normally see during summer months. Usually, prices decrease in the summer due to more wood coming on the market.” However, things have hardly been “normal” since I started writing this blog 6 years ago. There seems to be some mills with lots of inventory and some mills aggressively buying so be sure to call around to find the best fit for your property and your logs. Douglas-fir prices are currently sitting in the $950/mbf, with the potential for a $50-$150 increase for a really good quality log.

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Hold Steady: Log and Non-timber Forest Product Prices and Trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension, Extension Agent serving Lane County

We are still seeing a lot of action as we move into summer with prices coming back to our new normal. While prices have come down a couple hundred dollars per thousand board feet since last quarter, we are still up about $250 per thousand board feet (mbf) from our yearly average over the last 25 years. Which if you ask me, is not too shabby! Douglas-fir prices are currently sitting in the $850/mbf, with the potential for a $50-$150 increase for a really good quality log.

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Can you hear that buzz? Log and non-timber forest prices & trends

By Lauren Grand, OSU Extension Forestry & Natural Resources, Lane County

Prices skyrocketed last month with Douglas-fir peaking at $1650 per thousand board feet in the Eugene/Springfield area. Did your mouth just fall open? Mine did! That is an amazing price. With recent lumber prices 43% higher than the 5 year average, high log prices make sense. But, lumber isn’t the only thing driving this increase. Do you remember sitting in your living room in December thinking, “Please!! Not another snow storm so soon!?” Well THANK YOU la Nina weather. The snow and rain slowed operations and caught mills with lower than ideal inventories. Once all the snow melted, mills made a run to bring inventories back up. Before you knew it, purchase orders were being distributed like hot cakes and prices were rising. Now that wood is filling back up at the mills, prices are starting to come back down, but things are still looking mighty good for the time being.

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It’s time to embrace the rain: Log and non-timber forest product prices and trends

By by Lauren Grand, OSU Extension Forestry and Natural Resources serving Lane County

Things are starting to level out after seeing large fluctuations in the lumber market and inventories at the mill. Mills are buying now, but each mill’s needs are different. With the onset of the rains, fewer logs usually make it to the log yard. This could encourage more aggressive buying, so keep an open communication with buyers if you are looking to sell. Rain also means that dirt roads are off limits. So, if you plan to take advantage of winter prices make sure to look into rock for your roads. Rock can be a great investment if you harvest frequently and the road accesses a large portion of your property.  

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