Category: Uncategorized

  • Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

    I believe the most important lesson that I learned in this class was in week 2 when we were talking about legal, ethical, and professional concerns. Specifically I think that the topic of discrimination in the workplace is the most valuable lesson and the one that gasped me the most. Discrimination in the workplace in…

  • Self-Reflection

    This has been a great term for all of us hopefully so it is very important to reflect. It is always good to do a self reflection and it will be based on the four questions recommended in the introspection part of the minilecture. What am I good at? I am good at many things.…

  • IPIP Results and Reaction

    I decided to take the extensive and long personality test to get a more in depth reading and more extensive results. The survey had 300 questions asking to rank the accuracy of each statement. At the end of the survey I got five attributes about my personality as a result of the survey. The five…

  • Typical Vs. Maximal Performance

    In the given scenario, if I were in the position of the business and I had to chose to hire Avery or Jaime, I would chose Jaime. The reason I would chose to hire Jaime is because he is reliable and consistent which Avery is not. His performance ceiling may be higher and has more…

  • Critiquing a Recruitment Ad

    When presenting to employers, it is important that you reflect your personal brand. Not logos and images, but who you are. For instance, for me my personal brand is very important to me. When people think of me I want them to think a certain way and know certain things. Part of my brand is…

  • Job Descriptions

    Job Descriptions are very important to those who are applying or thinking about applying for any given job. I will be honest the last job I had took me through an unorthodox was of me getting the job so I didn’t know the job description entirely. However, whenever I look for a job I ALWAYS…

  • Experiences With Discrimination

    If there was a company I really liked and they had some allegations against them about some outstanding discrimination about them it may or may not changed some of my decisions with the company. I feel like regardless if it was true it wouldn’t effect my investment decisions. That isn’t a thing that determines how…

  • Recruitment & Selection

    There are many different priorities for a company, some focus on their employees, other focus on their pocketbooks. There are also many ways to allocate resources to better your company. It is a very popular practice for a company to allocate more resources to marketing a product and developing the product rather than spending those…

  • Job Application Experience

    Over the years I have had many different experiences with applying for jobs, interviewing, and getting jobs. Some have been good, others have been meh. The last job I applied AND Interviewed for was for an internship with Harley Davidson in Salem, OR. The position was for a social Media Marketing Manager Intern. The application…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!