Experiences With Discrimination

If there was a company I really liked and they had some allegations against them about some outstanding discrimination about them it may or may not changed some of my decisions with the company. I feel like regardless if it was true it wouldn’t effect my investment decisions. That isn’t a thing that determines how good a company is in my opinion. Something like this may effect if I decided to apply for the job in the future. If this was discrimination against men or something else that applied to me then of course I wouldn’t try to be employed there since that would make me at risk of something that is similar. One thing I would point out is that it would be very important to wait to make any rash decisions with a situation like this since they may not even be true and may not be as harsh as media would make it sound. I think it is always important to get all of the facts before making any decisions. It is a public lawsuit that is used in the scenario so most will think they have all of the facts, however they typically don’t get all of the facts until the actually court case resolves.

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One response to “Experiences With Discrimination”

  1. Hi Killian. If I read about a discrimination lawsuit filed against I company I liked, it would probably make me hesitate about continuing to support them. But similar to yourself, I would not rush to make a permanent judgement about the company based on one article. I’d need to learn more to make a final, or permanent, decision about supporting the company, or not.

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