Week 6 I got meeting with the Bobs

Back to the Interviews

In the last blog I was talking about applying to PathPoint and a GS position, I got a response from both. PathPoint reached out and wanted to schedule a video interview via Microsoft Teams. I also was contact by the USAF AFMC 520 squadron to interview in person for the GS position.


The interview with PathPoint went well, nothing was out of the ordinary. The interview lasted about a hour, they asked the standard questions like “Do you prefer to work alone or with a group?” and “How would you handle working on a project and then moving on to another with a higher priority?”. They set up a few role playing situation were I had to deal with a co-worker who had an IT issue. They wanted to see how well I handled it when working with an individual who had little or no computer skills. I believe I crushed all of them. They said they will be in contact with me if I was chosen to move onto the next phase, The next phase would be an in person interview where I would have to perform a standardized problem solving worksheet and a technical task. UPDATE: I am invited to do the second interview.

Space Work

The USAF AFMC 520 squadron had me scheduled for an interview and when I showed up, they said they just changed the hiring process. They didn’t want to cancel the interviews they had scheduled so they changed the name to a pre-interview. The pre-interview lasted about 30 mins where they provided me a bunch of information about what they did. They are just wanted to make sure that I was still interested. I am definitely still interested, this kind of position will set me up for the rest of my working career and allow me to be able to work on cool space stuff. We will see if I can get the call back. Hopefully I will have a difficult decision in the near future and that is to choose between two positions, this would be a good problem to have.

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