Week 3 still unemployed

Still no offers

Elon still hasn’t called me yet, or neither has RGNext but I did get contacted from the ByLight recruiter. This person was extremely helpful and gave me a few great pointers. Some of the pointers suggested to me are s follows the resume shouldn’t be some fancy design, the resumes shouldn’t have crazy fonts stick to the basics and also the resume shouldn’t be colored. The reason for these suggestion is that many companies have a program that researches the resumes and if the resume has any of the above items in it the program may just discard the resume.

So to ByLight

After the above suggestions, she wanted me to fix my resume and resubmit it to her so she could pass it on the Hiring director. I was then contacted by their Security Officer who sent me instruction and forms to fill out. The forms are to conduct a background check, this position is for a Help Desk Specialist position. The great part about this position is they will get me experience and also grant me Top Secret Security Clearance, so I’m am interested.

The security forms she needed me to send back were my basic information like history, social security, driver license number and other questions. The strange part about this process was she wanted me to zip and encrypt the files then send two emails. The 1st is the encrypted files and the other was the password to decrypt the file. I submitted both of them now I will wait and see again…..

Another Interesting Suggestion

When I was talking to the recruiter I made a comment about putting a suit on for an interview. She suggested that many companies would prefer if I didn’t show up to interviews in a suit and attend the interview in a more business casual attire.

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