Lab PI
Dr. Andy Jones
OSU Postdoctoral Scholars
None at this time
OSU Graduate Students
Brooklyn Richards, M.S. student
OSU Faculty Research Associates & Assistants
Emily Johnson, Faculty Research Assistant
OSU Undergraduate Students
Robin Bansky, OSU
Rose Roberts, Crop and Soil Science, OSU

OSU Lab Alumni
Tyler Schappe, M.S. student
Kristen Finch, Ph.D. student
Dr. Fellipe Albornoz, postdoctoral scholar
Ivania Ceron-Souza, postdoctoral fellow. Now a research scientist at Corpoica, Bogota, Colombia.
Megan O’Connell, Postbac student. Now a Ph.D student at UT Austin
Kaitlin Bonner, Postdoctoral fellow. Now an assistant professor at St. John Fisher College
Jessica Celis, M.S. student. Now at field technician for the University of Washington
Kaitlyn Furnish, BPP, OSU.
Mariah Dawson, Fish and Wildlife, OSU.
Nick Carleson, Computer Science, OSU.
Nathan Stables, UIUC.
Vanessa Rubio, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. Now an intern at STRI.
Abagail Neat, University of California, Davis.