Summer 2015: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Integrative Tropical Biology

The Jones lab has an opportunity available to any elegible REU student from the US.  For more information, see the website at STRI here.

Join 9 other students for an intensive summer program in Integrative Tropical Biology at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. The 10-week program is driven by the common need to understand how biological systems are integrated to answer questions about the origins, maintenance, and preservation of biodiversity. Over the 10 weeks, you will conduct mentor-driven research at STRI on elements of existing projects that fit your needs (see Mentors and Project Descriptions for a list of scientists and potential projects). Additionally, you will participate in workshops, professional development activities, and networking events that will challenge you to critically think about science and present several opportunities for future academic careers.

2015 Program Dates: June 6 to August 14

Application deadline: February 15

It is advised to consult this website frequently for updates.

This REU program is supported by NSF’s Office of International and Integrative Activities and the Directorate of Biological Sciences and STRI.

stri REU 2014


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