Month: February 2014

  • OSU Daily Barometer

    See the article about lab researcher Megan’s URISC project in OSU’s Daily Barometer.

  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) at STRI

    A new REU site is expected to be established at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in summer 2014.  The STRI website outlining this new opportunity is here (and under construction).  More information will be made available shortly about opportunities within the Jones lab,  applications will be due March 31st at the aforementioned site.  We particularly…

  • Undergraduate Researcher News

    The Jones lab is happy to welcome two new undergraduate researchers to the group.  Kaitlyn Furnish and Mariah Dawson were awarded USRA ENGAGE internships.  They will be working in the lab helping to genotype Heliconia tortuosa populations from Costa Rica and also helping genotype tropical trees as a part our drought project in Panamanian trees…