
Week 3 – Job Descriptions

The last job I had was as a project management officer. At that time the job description did not really matter, as I prefer to just get an experience in the company I intern at. However, I just considered if the job description can be related to major at all. When I had the internship, my experience did not entirely match the job description for the first month. During my first month, I mainly was there to help my supervisor in taking notes or helping other employees when possible. However, during the second and third month is when I worked as the project management officer. I was assigned to a project that was already started and I finished the intern before the project done. When I left, the project was already at its final stages before being advertised to the public.

The job description was similar in a way where I was in charge of creating a timeline for the project and giving the upper level manager an update of the progress. I would say that the job description was a little bit different since I did not have a specific task during my first month of the intern. One of the tasks listed in the job description was to prepare reports which summarizes the progress made or bottlenecks that occur. This is one of the weekly tasks I did. Another similar one was analyzing and monitor the partnership which I also did since the project also had a collaboration with a third party.

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