
Why are job descriptions difficult?

Job descriptions are necessary in the work force. Everyone of us has briefly viewed a job description and let that be the determining factor for wether we want to apply for a job. Like a processes we look at the description and if we like it we then look at the technical requirements or qualifications for the position. Job descriptions can be quite difficult because of this. Shorter job descriptions have been shown to have more responses than those of a longer one. So how can we get everything we need to across in 300 words or less? Regularly being a active participants in interviews, execute a job analysis to aid with description, regularly update job descriptions, and more.


If you are not a active participant in interviews or at least gathering data from interviews than you may have trouble identifying what the interviewee is missing from the current description. I was asked to write a job description for a job I had on campus and our position was very clearly undefined. I can’t express how many times I was asked what do you do, and I honestly had clear response to give them. I didn’t know because It hadn’t been defined for me very well. The manager new this too… Anyways back to the point. In order to have a job description there needs to be very clear expectations and pin points of a job. You have to have a standard for example a automotive technician will always be working with cars. That is a standard you can define. That is gonna be added to the description so applicants know where they will be working and the commonalities in the industry.

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