
Typical vs. Maximal Performance

This is a tough decision, but in my opinion, I would rather have Jaime working for me than Avery. Consistency is key to me in any type of situation, whether its at work or in sports. I don’t have a lot of respect for people that have a high level of skills and knowledge then just let them go to waste with slacking off. Having someone like Jaime might not always outperform everyone, but you can expect the same output each time. Avery is unreliable and lazy, which has no interest to me.

A great job for someone like Avery would be something in sales that is commissions based. This would make their earnings highly based on their effort. With having the skills, they have then they should be able to be successful when performing their best. Anytime they slack off it would make a big difference in the earnings they get each month. With someone like Avery, it is hard to motivate them in a typical job that has the same work over and over. But being commissions based, it always incentivizes them to be at their peak performance. In someone like Jaime’s case, a job such as an auditor would be great. This is a stable job that continues along the same path the entire time. There can be some busy times in ta season, but for the most part it is consistent. Someone like Jaime would thrive in this environment, with being able to have the same output every day.

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