

  • What am I good at?
    • One thing I believe I do very well at is being organized in all aspects of my life. Whether it is school, work, or personal, I always am on top of knowing what it is coming up. Also, my ability to not only set goals, but to reach them is something I succeed at. It’s important to always have something to strive for and I make that a priority at all times.
  • What do I value?
    • Something I value out of myself and others is being honest. I always am honest with any situation, whether it means I made a mistake or not. Having a strong work ethic is something I value over anything else. No matter what I’m doing, I want to do it the best to my ability and won’t stop until the task is complete.
  • How did I get here?
    • I knew if I was going to be successful in the business world, a bachelor’s degree was going to help me. After high school, Linfield College seemed to be the place for me. Freshman year there wasn’t enjoyable, so my path veered over to Oregon State University. I liked the management aspect of business and felt that a business management degree would be ideal. All the goals I have made for myself have taken me down this path of a degree at OSU.
  • Where am I going?
    • My next goal I want to reach is starting a career in the winery or brewery industry. After getting years of experience in this field, I want to own my own winery. There are many things for me to learn before I get here, but hard work and goal setting will help me along the way.


IPIP Results & Reactions

My scores were pretty much what I thought they would be, but it’s interesting seeing it laid out in all the categories. In “Extraversion,” I scored pretty low across the board with my highest score being a 56 in friendliness. This shows that I am introverted for the most part and prefer to socialize with close friends. I had an exceedingly high score in “Agreeableness,” showing my strong interest in others and how they are doing. Also, my score of 79 under “Conscientiousness” was remarkably high and this is heavily a part of my goal setting abilities and ability to pursue them.  I was pretty average across the board with “Neuroticism,” meaning I don’t react out of the ordinary with emotional problems. “Openness to Experience,” was by far my lowest scoring area, indicating a plain and simple lifestyle.

If a potential employer were to look at these results, I think they would find many reasons for strengths and weaknesses. One of the main strengths that sticks out to me is the high scoring under “Conscientiousness.” This shows an employer my ability to not only set goals but have the power to make them happen. Having a high score in “Agreeableness,” shows them that I have personable qualities about me that are great for the workplace and creating partnerships with other customers. I think one of my main downfalls is my low score in the “Openness to Experience” category. This shows a lack of creativity and the unwillingness to take risks. A major key to improving a business is to be creative and be able to take risks when necessary. There are many different ways each of these scores can be interpreted by potential employers. What may seem like a weakness in my mind could potentially be a positive in someone else’s.


Typical vs. Maximal Performance

This is a tough decision, but in my opinion, I would rather have Jaime working for me than Avery. Consistency is key to me in any type of situation, whether its at work or in sports. I don’t have a lot of respect for people that have a high level of skills and knowledge then just let them go to waste with slacking off. Having someone like Jaime might not always outperform everyone, but you can expect the same output each time. Avery is unreliable and lazy, which has no interest to me.

A great job for someone like Avery would be something in sales that is commissions based. This would make their earnings highly based on their effort. With having the skills, they have then they should be able to be successful when performing their best. Anytime they slack off it would make a big difference in the earnings they get each month. With someone like Avery, it is hard to motivate them in a typical job that has the same work over and over. But being commissions based, it always incentivizes them to be at their peak performance. In someone like Jaime’s case, a job such as an auditor would be great. This is a stable job that continues along the same path the entire time. There can be some busy times in ta season, but for the most part it is consistent. Someone like Jaime would thrive in this environment, with being able to have the same output every day.