Creating Knowledge

Exploring the ways that we construct knowledge about science and gender is a fundamental learning outcome for the class I’m redesigning.  Thinking about how students construct knowledge with me, with each other, and sometimes in spite of all of us is exciting and I’m diving into the deep end with some ideas I have never tried. The biggest idea is group final presentations.  Yikes!  In several of my other classes, I have a group project as an option for the final project but have never required group work before so I’m testing it out this term in my on campus class while thinking ahead to the hybrid version next fall.  My colleague has her online students do a group project and they have produced some amazing content and images.  Working together will hopefully allow them to teach and learn from each other in their small group and produce a presentation exploring an application of science or technology as it connects to class concepts that a larger cross-section of students can learn from.

We had a great discussion last week about a blog post critiquing the NYTimes obituary for Rocket Scientist Yvonne Brill. For the hybrid course, I’m imaging the use of image, link out to the blog post, and a group activity applying the Finkbeiner Test (as discussed in the io9 blog) for media writers covering stories about scientists. Hoping this photo insert works!

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One Response to Creating Knowledge

  1. Sandy Burnett says:

    Love the idea to have students discuss about current events…I think what you have planned is a great way to get students to apply course concepts to the real world in an engaging, participatory way.

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