A New Perspective
Going into my first Honors Colloquia class, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had made a couple inferences based off the name: Toy Based Technology for Children with Disabilities, and read the class description, but those didn’t begin to scratch the surface of what I would learn in this class. On the first day […]
Lights from Underground
Students who enrolled in the Honors College colloquium “Publishing Underground” probably did not expect the title to be literal. But one winter day, underground they went, led by instructors Korey Jackson and Kelly McElroy, into the dark basement of Fairbanks Hall to use an old-fashioned letterpress. There, students learned to set type and to print […]
Oregon State, Women, and the Honors College – Looking to the Past and Future
Though it may be a relatively new offering,“OSU, Women and Oral History: An Exploration of 150 Years” has already left its mark on Oregon State University. Introduced as an honors colloquium course last winter term, students enrolled in the class explore the theory and practice of oral history through the lens of women at Oregon […]