Honors College Students Rebuild Mock Trial Team

Membership in many student organizations at Oregon State University declined during the COVID-19 pandemic, when it was difficult or impossible to meet in person or hold events. But, driven by the commitment of students, groups are beginning to bounce back. One club trying to rebuild is Oregon State’s mock trial team, led by two Honors […]

Student Spotlight: Shahinaz El Sayed

From the College of Agriculture’s sheep and swine centers to the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University is dedicated to the study and care of animals of all shapes and sizes. This is what attracted second-year Honors College student Shahinaz El Sayed to Oregon State. Born and raised in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, […]

Student Spotlight – Lillian Waddick

According to the American College Health Association, nearly three quarters of university students reported moderate or severe psychological distress at some point during their academic year. These are the exact kinds of people that Lillian Waddick, a third-year honors student majoring in psychology with a business minor, came to Oregon State University to help. With […]

Student Spotlight – Shawn Ichikawa

The Honors College prides itself on providing an interdisciplinary education that encourages the exploration of both the arts and sciences. Honors College student Shawn Ichikawa exemplifies this blend. Shawn is a third-year bioengineering major hailing from Austin, Texas, who cherishes Oregon State’s engineering program and has discovered other artistic passions during his time in Corvallis. […]

Student Spotlight – Tali Ilkovitch

The Oregon State University Honors College encourages its students to enact change around them and become leaders in promoting it. Honors College student Tali Ilkovitch has risen to this challenge. Hailing from Maryland, Tali is a fourth-year student majoring in natural resources in the College of Forestry. Tali, who uses they/them pronouns, has always felt […]

What the First Week as an OSU Honors Student is Really Like

If you’re an Honors College student living in a residence hall, your first week might have been a little like mine: a mess of community, shenanigans and a great deal of walking. Move-In Day After moving my older sister into her residence hall several years ago, I expected move-in day to be a sweaty mess […]

Collaborating to Connect: The Development of the New HC Community Connector App

In Fall 2021, Dean Toni Doolen worked with a group of Honors College students, who were members of the HC Leadership Circle and charged the group with finding ways to increase student engagement with the Honors College. Over the course of the academic year, the students developed a variety of approaches and ideas, and at […]

Shaurya Gaur – Student Spotlight

The Honors College empowers students to pursue the intersection of their academic interests and how they wish to change the world — and Honors College fourth-year student Shaurya Gaur has become a shining example of that. Born in South India, Shaurya moved to the U.S. with his father when he was seven years old and […]

This Undergraduate Is “Krilling” It

Giulia Wood’s summer activities — or, in her case, winter — have included polar plunges into the Southern Ocean, listening to cracking glaciers and conducting research on Antarctic krill.  The Honors biochemistry and molecular biology student is part of Kim Bernard’s all-women research team studying how juvenile krill behave during the winter. This year is […]