HCSA Events
NEW/THIS WEEK! HCSA Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Commemoration
On Wednesday, January 11 at 6:00 p.m. the Honors College Student Association is proudly holding an MLK Day commemoration. We invite all Honors College students and staff to come visit LInC 343 tocelebrate Dr. King’s work in the battle for racial equality. Through a talk and open discussion guided by our speaker, Dr. Joseph Orosco, students will reflect on Dr. King’s legacy of creating transformative change through non-violence and discuss ways we can carry on his legacy in our lives today. We will end by watching a short documentary. Catering will be provided by Jimmy Johns on a first come first serve basis. Make sure to register here!
NEW! HCSA/Linn-Benton Food Share Volunteer Opportunities
On Wednesday, February 1 the Honors College Student Association (HCSA) will begin collecting donations for the Linn-Benton Food Share in the annual OSU wide food drive competition. If you would like to be involved there will be a penny war in both Sackett and West Hall, Krispy Kremes available to pre-order, volunteer opportunities to table for donations at Safeway, as well as checking donation locations around town. If you want to receive updates about these opportunities please follow our instagram @hcsa_osu. Fill out the from here letting us know what you are interested in volunteering for.
HC Announcements and Events
NEW/THIS WEEK! Honors College Coffee with the Deans
Join the Honors College for Coffee with the Deans on Thursday, January 12 at 4 p.m. on the LInC third floor wooden stairs. Meet OSU’s academic leaders, learn about opportunities in your college, and connect with other honors students in your college and major. Enjoy cookies, doughnuts, pastries (including vegan and gluten free options) as well as coffee and other hot beverages! RSVP here!
NEW/THIS WEEK! HC 409 Civic Engagement Elective Opportunity
The Honors College provides an opportunity for HC students to earn credit while serving and learning in their community. To earn one honors elective credit, commit to volunteering 2-3 hours per week in a local community agency. Read the materials on the Canvas course page provided by Community Engagement & Leadership to guide your experience. At the end of the term submit the reflection assignment on Canvas due Monday of finals week. Registration instructions: contact Leanna.Dillon@oregonstate.edu to receive a learning agreement form, return the form signed by you and your site supervisor to receive an override to register for the course. Return the signed form and register for the course prior to the end of week 1. Graded: P/N. Satisfies: HC Elective.
NEW! Starting off on the Right Foot this Winter Term
We know the winter break can be hard for some people. Join the HC and CAPS in a workshop talking about how to take care of yourself, how to manage stress and some helpful strategies to get you through winter term. This event is being held on Tuesday, January 17 from 5:30-6:30 p.m in LInC 345.
NEW! “Legacy of Love” MLK Commemoration Event
Come watch “Legacy of Love” on Wednesday, January 18 at 6:00 p.m. and discuss the film with students and staff from the Honors College.
NEW! Honors College Community Coffee
Join students, staff and faculty on Thursday, January 19 from 8:30-10 a.m. for light refreshments and great conversations! This is a great way to meet new people and start off your day.
NEW! Faculty Research Showcase
On January, 24 from 4-5:30 p.m. in LInC 302 join the Honors College, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Forestry and College of Agricultural Sciences to learn about research opportunities within these schools. There will be researchers/faculty presenting and then after time for more in depth conversations. RSVP here!
NEW! Grad School Presentation
Thinking about Grad School? On Friday, February 10 at 2 p.m. in LInC 343 join HC Alum Mohammed Shakibnia to talk about skills applying for graduate school.
NEW! Stage 3 Studios
Have a thesis mentor but need an extra nudge completing and submitting your thesis proposal? Befuddled by the thesis proposal, agreement, or timeline? Need some dedicated time to work on you proposal? Drop by for a brief overview of the proposal process, get your questions answered, and take advantage of the time to receive guidance, consult, write, and learn from your peers. Bring your ideas, questions, and if available, a draft of your proposal. Stop by Monday, February 13 at 8:30 a.m. in LInC 345 or Tuesday, February 21 at 3p.m. in LInC 350. RSVP here!
NEW! Winter Term Study Groups
Need a little help with writing, biology, chemistry, or math? Tutors are available for study groups. You do not need to be in honors versions or currently in the classes to come to study groups.
- Math: Tuesdays from 4-5 p.m. in LInC 437, Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m. in LInC 437, and Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. in LInC 360
- Physics: Tuesdays 1p.m. in LInC 437 and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in LInC 437
- Chemistry: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5-6 p.m. in the Sackett F/G Lounge (use the doorbell for access if you don’t live in Sackett)
- Biology: Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-2:30 p.m. in in LInC 437 also on Tuesdays from 4-5 p.m. in LInC 350
- Writing: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in LInC 437
NEW! Research Opportunities and Mentors
Looking for research opportunities or possibly a mentor? Check out the HC’s Potential Research Opportunities website here. This lists professors who have presented at Research Showcases or indicated they were looking for HC student researchers.
Honors College TikTok
Looking for more Honors College content in your life? The HC now has a TikTok! Follow us @osuhonors! Want to be in one of our TikToks or have an idea? Email kathleen.mchugh@oregonstate.edu
Write for Inside Scoop
Do you have any tips for younger HC students? Do you have a unique HC experience you want to share? Do you want to have a piece of your writing published on the Honors Link blog? Apply to write an article for the HC’s Inside Scoop series. These are short (500-1000) word articles that capture aspects of being an honors student. Submit an article pitch here and get the inside scoop from other students on our blog.
Submit Nomination for Student Spotlight
The HC is currently accepting nominations for students to feature in the Student Spotlight series. If you know of a student who you think deserves recognition submit their name and the reason for the nomination here.
Scholarship & Financial Aid Opportunities
SNAP Outreach at the BNC
Students may be eligible for $234 a month in grocery funds! SNAP is a federal nutrition benefits program, and the Basic Needs Center Center at Oregon State assists with applications! For more information visit the SNAP link here.
HC Differential Tuition Emergency Grant
The Honors College encourages students experiencing unusual financial challenges to apply for a one-term Honors College Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant of $500. This is not a scholarship and is designed to provide short-term, immediate support. Contact bailey.garvin@oregonstate.edu or an Honors College advisor with questions.
HC Experiential Award Application
Honors students who have submitted a thesis proposal are eligible to apply for an Honors Experiential Scholarship of up to $750 in support of participation at a professional conference or engagement in thesis research. Contact Kevin Stoller at kevin.stoller@oregonstate.edu with questions.
Professional Development & Job Opportunities
NEW/THIS WEEK! 2023 Summer Internship at UC San Diego
There is an exciting ten-week summer internship opportunity in the Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, in La Jolla, California. This internship program is a great opportunity for inquisitive and motivated undergraduate students with exceptional aptitude for quantitative science majoring in oceanography, applied mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, geology and related majors to work with some of the most notable scientists in the world while earning a modest salary. More information can be found here. Applications will be accepted through 4 p.m. Pacific time on Friday, January 13.
NEW! Academics for Student Athletes are now Hiring Tutors!
ASA is now hiring tutors for winter 2023. These are paid on-campus positions that offer flexible schedules. They are also a wonderful opportunity to use the content knowledge you have gained in the classroom, while also helping fellow students better gain subject mastery, and the organizational skills needed to excel at OSU. Tutor applicants must be sophomore standing and hold an overall GPA of 3.0 or above. Most tutoring will be performed in-person during winter term, but hybrid options are available. All majors are encouraged to apply here. Contact Abbey Nelson at abigail.nelson@oregonstate.edu regarding any questions that you may have!
Apply for the “Robotics in the Real World” Summer REU
Applications are now open for the Oregon State University (OSU) “Robots in the Real World” summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site. You can learn more about the program here. This year’s program will run from June 26 to September 1, 2023, on the main OSU campus in Corvallis, OR. We offer research experiences in all areas of robotics for undergraduate students with backgrounds in computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, physics, social science, or any closely related fields. Applications will be open here until Friday, February 10.
Campus-Wide Opportunities
On Friday, January 13 from 6-8:30 p.m. visit the Memorial Union Ballroom for a night of fun and fabulousness. Play this glammed-up version of the classic numbers game. There are going to be prizes, lipsyncs and looks! We guarantee that you’ll be snatched bald by the end of the night! This event is limited to OSU students only. A ticket is required so make sure to register here!
NEW/THIS WEEK! Saturday of Service
Community Engagement & Leadership invites students, faculty, staff, and their partners and children to attend the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Saturday of Service. OSU’s largest and longest running day of service of the year. Project times & locations vary, see the registration page here for more details. Held on Saturday, January 14, this Saturday of Service commemorates Dr. King’s life and legacy of serving others and his vision for strong, beloved communities. A light breakfast, snacks, and hot lunch will be provided to volunteers, as well as transportation to and from service projects. Check-in will be held at the MU Ballroom. Project times & locations vary, see the registration page for details. For accessibility accommodations or questions, please contact Community Engagement & Leadership at 541.-737-3041 or cel@oregonstate.edu.
NEW! A Discussion on MLK’s Ideology and Castle hosted by Sahana Shah, ASOSU’s Office of Adovocacy and the Office of Institutional Diversity
Join us for “A Discussion on MLK’s ideology and caste” as part of MLK commemoration week! This panel event will be a conversation with experts working on caste and race discussing how MLK’s ideology about race is relevant to the framework of caste. The event will be held Tuesday, January 17, from 12:30-2 p.m. in the MU, Journey Room 104. We will have Dr. Elizabeth Barstow from the School of History, Philosophy, and Religion moderate the discussion. One of our panelists will be Dr. Robert Thompson from OSU’s Ethnic Studies department, and we will have other panelists join from across the country via zoom.
NEW! CEL Events Weeks 1-5
Who wants to get some new fun experiences at OSU? Join Community Engagement & Leadership for Beavs Volunteer group service projects! Don’t miss it out and you can help make a better world by volunteering. Save your spot by registering here!
NEW! Alternative Spring Break
Looking for a transformative experience this coming Spring Break?! Alternative Break offers weeklong service-learning programs traveling to Washington, Southern Oregon, and California during OSU’s spring break in March! During these multi-day, overnight programs, groups of 10-12 students immerse themselves in one of three Pacific Northwest communities to learn its historical, cultural, and political background. Students engage in a variety of direct service projects, educational conversations and presentations, and reflective dialogue with leaders and change-makers in their respective communities.
There are three program locations:
- San Francisco, California | Change, Not Coins: Housing & Food Insecurity
- Yakima, Washington | Tangled Roots: History, Land Use, & Cultural Engagement
- Ashland, Oregon | Digging Deeper: Environmental Conservation, Restoration, & Justice
For more details on each program location and other info, checkout our Alt. Break webpage. The priority application deadline is Friday, January 27. Apply here.
Borrow Calculators and Tools for Academic Success from the Valley Library
Do you need a scientific, financial, or graphing calculator? The Valley Library has calculators to loan. The library also has loanable tools such as laptops, tablets, and computer accessories like chargers, headphones, flash drives, ergonomic mice, and more—for all your midterm and finals needs! For more information click the link here.
Togetherall: New Mental Health Resource for OSU Students
Togetherall is a safe, online community to share anonymously and get support to improve mental health and well-being. The Togetherall community is available 24/7 and is monitored by licensed mental health practitioners. Join the community and learn more here.
HC Resources
The Honors College main office in LInC 450 is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. HC staff is on hand during business hours to assist with questions, help with scheduling appointments or just chat and share some free candy. You can also get in touch with the main office by contacting honors.college@oregonstate.edu or by calling 541.737.6400.
- The student computer lab and lounge (the SLUG) on the third floor of LInC 340 will be open:
- Monday-Thursday – 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
- Friday – 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- Saturday – noon- 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday – 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
These resources are available throughout the term.
“Forgot Your Lunch?” Station Available in SLUG
The Honors College is back with a “Forgot Your Lunch?” station for you to have a snack or light lunch if you ever need it. Whether you need food because you forgot your lunch, are low on money or simply need a snack, please help yourself to this free resource. The resource is self-serve and can be accessed any time that the SLUG is open in the kitchen area.
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