Monday Message Week 6

HCSA Events This Week THIS WEEK! Volunteer at the 2022 Holiday Craft FairJoin the Honors College Student Association (HCSA) in volunteering at the 2022 Holiday Craft Fair that brings in profit for Philomath Elementary School and local artists. Volunteer opportunities at this event will occur on Friday, November 4 from 5-9 p.m. and Sunday, November 6 from 2-5 p.m. at […]

October 31, 2022

HCSA Events This Week

THIS WEEK! Volunteer at the 2022 Holiday Craft Fair
Join the Honors College Student Association (HCSA) in volunteering at the 2022 Holiday Craft Fair that brings in profit for Philomath Elementary School and local artists. Volunteer opportunities at this event will occur on Friday, November 4 from 5-9 p.m. and Sunday, November 6 from 2-5 p.m. at Philomath Elementary School, 239 S. 16th Street – Philomath Oregon. For the volunteer link and more information click here.

THIS WEEK! Self-care Speed Dating
Join us on Thursday, November 3 from 6-7 pm at LInC 345 for selfcare activities including postcards, socializing, meditation, coloring, music, and more all in one hour. Take the time during your busy week to take care of yourself! There will also be PIZZA :). Please RSVP here

THIS WEEK! HCSA Game Day Viewing Party
The Honors College Student Association is hosting a watch party for the OSU vs. Washington game on Friday, November 4 at 7:30 in the West Hall Main Lounge. There will be free candy and food at the event! Come support your beaver football team with other honors students! Make sure to RSVP here

HC Announcements and Events

NEW! Honors College Humanities Interns Research Symposium
Supported by a grant from the Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation and sponsored by the OSU Honors College, the College of Liberal Arts, and the Center for the Humanities, seven outstanding undergraduates worked with faculty mentors this summer to advance research and creative projects. Ellie Anderson, Ellie Counts, Rebecca Killion, Michael Laun, Sydney Pruitt, Jax Richards, and Matilda Stricherz will present their work on Monday, Nov. 7 at 4 p.m. This is a free virtual event, and all are welcome. Learn more and register here.

NEW! Fall Undergraduate Research Showcase
Come listen to HC students who have finished their research talk about their thesis. Each student will present for about 5 minutes and then there will be time to ask questions. All students are encouraged to come support their fellow HC students Thursday, Nov. 10 from 5-6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register by emailing or via the HC Community Connector app.

NEW! Fall Family Weekend – Bowling and Games with the Honors College
All Honors College families are invited to join Honors College staff and students for a night of bowling and games on Friday, November 11 between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. in the MU Lanes & Games (in the basement of the Memorial Union). There will be light snacks and refreshments. Stop by at any time, stay for as long as you’d like, but please RSVP here. Send questions and accommodation requests to HC Student Engagement Coordinator Bailey Garvin. We look forward to seeing you and your family there! Here is the Qualtrics for the Fall Family weekend RSVP.  

NEW! Winter Book Clubs
An Honors College winter tradition is back! Sign-ups are now open for the HC’s Winter Break Faculty/Student Book Clubs! Each year, we invite a handful of university leaders, faculty, and friends to select a book to share with a small group of Honors College students. Group members each get a free copy of their group’s book to read over the break, and groups meet with their leader to discuss the book at the beginning of winter term over pizza. Register here by November 18! Students who sign up first will have priority in group assignments. 

Fall Term Faculty Research Showcases
Mark your calendars for fall term’s Faculty Research Showcases! The Faculty Research Showcases are an excellent way to connect with faculty members, learn more about their research and potentially get involved in projects that could be the basis of an HC thesis. Even if you don’t yet feel ready to begin research or are not sure about your interests, attending these events help you to explore opportunities and make connections. Register here.

– Colleges of Science, Pharmacy, Vet Med, and Public Health and Human Sciences: Tuesday November 8, 4-5:30, LInC 228

If you are looking for additional research ideas or opportunities, check out the Potential HC Research Opportunities.

HC Study Groups
Need a little help in your classes or want to brush up on your knowledge? Join a study group! Keep an eye out for the writing study group hours — coming soon!

Physics study groups will be on Wednesdays at 5pm in LInC 360 and Thursdays at 1 p.m. in LInC 350. 
– Chemistry study groups are on Mondays and Wednesdays @ 5 p.m. in Sackett office near F/G wing. 
– Biology study groups are Mondays @ 2 p.m. in LInC 437 & Thursdays @ 4 p.m. in LInC 345 (10/13 only will be LInC 437). 
Math study groups Mondays @ 4 p.m. in LInC 360, Tuesdays @ 5 p.m. in LInC 360, Wednesdays @ 5 p.m. in LInC 360,  and Thursdays @ 4 p.m. in LInC 360

Submit Nomination for Student Spotlight
The HC is currently accepting nominations for students to feature in the Student Spotlight series. If you know of a student who you think deserves recognition submit their name and the reason for the nomination here.

Scholarship & Financial Aid Opportunities

NEW! Roundhouse Foundation Marine Studies Program Innovation Lab Scholarship and Internship Fund
The Roundhouse Foundation Marine Studies Innovation Lab Scholarship supports Oregon State University undergraduate students in their second year or more of study who are participating in a paid internship with the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Innovation Lab (iLab) in Newport, Oregon. Recipients will be students in any college at Oregon State University who are interested in developing the programs and operations of the HMSC iLab. This scholarship is for up to three awards of $18,640 each. Students must submit their application by Sunday, December 4 through OSU ScholarDollars. More information can be found here. If you have any questions, contact Cynthia Leonard at

HC Differential Tuition Emergency Grant
The Honors College encourages students experiencing unusual financial challenges to apply for a one-term Honors College Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant of $500. This is not a scholarship and is designed to provide short-term, immediate support. Contact or an Honors College advisor with questions.

HC Experiential Award Application
Honors students who have submitted a thesis proposal are eligible to apply for an Honors Experiential Scholarship of up to $750 in support of participation at a professional conference or engagement in thesis research. Contact Kevin Stoller at with questions.

Professional Development & Job Opportunities

NEW & TOMORROW! World-Building and Fantasy Writing Workshop
Join Brandy St. John an instructor in the School of Writing, Literature, and Film for a workshop and conversation about writing sci-fi and fantasy fiction! This event is hosted by the Oregon State Creative Writing Society. It will be held tomorrow Tuesday, November 1 at 6:00 p.m. in Moreland Hall 206. 

NEW & TOMORROW! IE & Mfge Student Internship Panel
Are you interested in learning about internship experiences from students in Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Engineering? Come to our internship panel on Tuesday, November 1 from 4-5 p.m. in ROG 226.

Expect answers to topics such as:
– How students found internships
– Interview experiences
– Internship projects
– Important classes

Anyone welcome, Freshman – Juniors in IE & MFGE are especially encouraged to attend. Questions? Need accommodations for disabilities? Email

NEW! Conversation with Sindya Bhanoo about Journalism
Bahanoo is a new faculty in Creative Writing with a distinguished career in Journalism and training in the sciences and business. She will hold a conversation with students about the value of journalism as a rigorously researched form that allows students with in-depth knowledge in other subjects –Engineering, Sciences, Business, and the Arts  —  to communicate with power and research topics of interest with skill and integrity. This event will be held on Wednesday, November 2 at 5 p.m. in Moreland Hall 330. 

NEW! Remote Oral History Program Assistant Job Opportunity
The Special Collections and Archives Research Center (SCARC) is seeking applicants for a student assistant position to provide support for the SCARC Oral History Program. This is a fully remote position offering a flexible schedule of 10-12 hours per week at a starting wage of $13.75 per hour. Position duties will include transcript auditing, composition of interview abstracts and biographical sketches, and a variety of other descriptive tasks related to the provision of online access to oral history content. No specialized experience is required; all training will be provided upon hire. Successful candidates will possess strong writing and editing skills, as well as the ability to work independently. Applicants should send a copy of their resume as well as a writing sample (on any topic – pick something that you’re proud to have written) to Chris Petersen, Archivist for Oral History and Digital Projects, at

TOMORROW! Apply for the University of Central Florida’s Engineering and Computer Science PhD Program
The College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) at the University of Central Florida (Orlando, FL, USA) is renewing its Early Action opportunity for individuals considering beginning their PhD studies in the fall 2023 academic semester. Any individual completing a new application for a CECS PhD program by Tuesday, November 1 will receive an application fee waiver. The link to begin an application is available here. More information about the program is available here. Any questions can be directed to

OSU Energy Efficiency Center is Hiring
Would you be interested in a part-time, on-campus job working with industry clients to reduce energy use and improve productivity, while applying what you are learning in your classes? The OSU Energy Efficiency Center (EEC) has multiple positions available for Student Technical Analysts with start dates in Winter 2022. Analysts work part-time during the school year (10-15 hrs/week) and during the summer (30-40 hrs/week) conducting comprehensive assessments of small and medium-sized manufacturers and water treatment facilities across the Northwest. Visit the link here to learn more information about the OSU Energy Efficiency Center. You can apply for the position here! Please reach out to Dr. Karl Haapala ( if you have questions.

Apply to the Adapting to Wildfire SES Fellows Program!
The aim of the SES Fellows program is to provide 8-10 undergraduate students with paid opportunities to participate in social science research related to wildfires and engage with the public. The Fellows will be collecting meaningful data about wildfire in central Oregon and elsewhere in Oregon. This will include surveys, interviews, participant observation, and content analysis. Interested sophomores, juniors, and seniors  should complete this application by Thursday, November 10

Project  & Technology Coordinator Job Opportunities
The Project Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating participant payments and communications for the Better Jobs for Young Workers (“BJYW”) Research Study, which to better understand how young adults without college degrees can improve their job quality. This position averages ten hours a week at $15/hr and has flexible scheduling. The Technology Coordinator will finalize the development of a relational database with a connector script using the Qualtrics API to receive information on a survey wave completion and then invite participants to return for the next wave at the appropriate time interval. They will also create front end integration for the relational database to facilitate lookup by the participant-facing team. This position averages ten hours a week at $15/hr and has flexible scheduling. 

Campus-Wide Opportunities

Submissions Needed for the Student Resources Digest!
The Student Resources Digest mailings will be starting again soon. This effort is one way that we work collaboratively to make students aware of services and resources available to them. We collect submissions from campus partners, compile them into a digest and mail them to you every two weeks of the term. Click here for an example digest from last fall. We’re now live and collecting submissions for fall term. Fall can be a great time to describe the services you offer and how to access them, even if you’re not announcing anything new or any date-specific events. To submit Digest content, use this Google form. If you have questions or comments about this effort, please contact Anna Bentley or Clare Creighton at

HC Resources

These resources are available throughout the term.

  • The Honors College main office in LInC 450 is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. HC staff is on hand during business hours to assist with questions, help with scheduling appointments or just chat and share some free candy. You can also get in touch with the main office by contacting or by calling 541.737.6400. 
  • The student computer lab and lounge (the SLUG) on the third floor of LInC 340 will be open:
    • Monday-Thursday – 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
    • Friday – 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
    • Saturday – noon- 6:00 p.m.
    • Sunday – 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

These resources are available throughout the term.

“Forgot Your Lunch?” Station Available in SLUG
The Honors College is back with a “Forgot Your Lunch?” station for you to have a snack or light lunch if you ever need it. Whether you need food because you forgot your lunch, are low on money or simply need a snack, please help yourself to this free resource. The resource is self-serve and can be accessed any time that the SLUG is open in the kitchen area.

West & Sackett Drop-In Office Hours
Bailey Garvin and Courtney Lira, the Honors College Student Engagement Coordinators, will be hosting office hours throughout fall term. Stop by if you have any questions regarding the Honors College, HCSA, how to get involved or just need general advice and someone to talk to! Drop-in hours will start week 1 and will be posted in each Monday Message and on the HC office doors in West & Sackett.

CATEGORIES: Monday Messages

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