Fall 2021 Monday Message Week 6

Weekly Wellness Tip Did you know that meditation can reduce stress, enhance memory, increase attention, improve sleep, and lessen anxiety and depression? Meditation is a helpful mindfulness and relaxation tool that has a lot of benefits! If you are interested in trying it, you can follow guided meditations online or attend BEavers HERE NOW sessions, […]

November 1, 2021

Weekly Wellness Tip

Did you know that meditation can reduce stress, enhance memory, increase attention, improve sleep, and lessen anxiety and depression? Meditation is a helpful mindfulness and relaxation tool that has a lot of benefits! If you are interested in trying it, you can follow guided meditations online or attend BEavers HERE NOW sessions, which are peer-guided, 15-minute meditations that are held in MU 13 every Monday and Wednesday at 5 p.m.!

HCSA Events This Week

NEW! HSCA Fall Fun Study Break
The HCSA is hosting a Fall Fun Study Break with some relaxing activities (such as cookie decorating!) and snacks that you won’t want to miss! Come to the SLUG at any time from 12-4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 4 to socialize with other students and unwind from school! To get a rough estimate of attendance for food purposes if you would like to come sign up via this google form by Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 11:59 p.m.Drop-ins are also very much welcome!

UPCOMING! HSCA Winter Clothing Drive
Do you have extra coats that are cluttering up your closet? The HSCA is putting on a winter clothing drive where those extra coats will go to someone in need! If you don’t have any clothing you can always donate your time. To run this drive the HSCA needs some important volunteer positions filled! These positions consist of “location checkers” who are in charge of going to one box location about once a week to collect clothes if the boxes are full! There will be locations on and off-campus and the collected clothes will be stored by the HSCA.   
Email: Bryankel@oregonstate.edu if you are interested in volunteering!

HC Announcements and Events

NEW! Honors College Fall Undergraduate Research Showcase
All members of the Honors College community are welcome to attend the HC Fall Undergraduate Research Showcase on Wednesday, Nov. 10 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. over Zoom. At this event, 8-10 Honors College students will present lightning talks and answer questions about their research. RSVP by November 5th here and direct questions to Kevin Stoller at kevin.stoller@oregonstate.edu

TODAY! Honors College-Center for the Humanities Internship Presentations
You are welcome to attend presentations over Zoom by the five student recipients of the 2021 Honors College-Center for the Humanities internships today Monday, Nov. 1 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. For more information and to register visit the link here.

TODAY AND TOMORROW! More Academic Success Workshops!
The Academic Success Center’s fall remote series is happening, and we’d love for you to join us at our next workshop events. On Monday, Nov. 1 at 12:00 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 6:00 p.m. attend a workshop to learn more about stress, academics, and yourself. Click here for the Monday meeting and here for the Tuesday meeting. For questions or accommodation requests, contact Sarah Norek: Sarah.Norek@oregonstate.edu.

NEXT WEEK! URSA Research Workshop
On Monday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. in the West Hall main lounge attend a URSA workshop. All West and Sackett residences are welcome. We are bringing in someone from URSA to talk about getting involved in research. There will also be a short talk at the end about other ways to be involved in research. 

NEXT WEEK! Calling All (Second-Year) HC Students – Opportunity to Connect! 
The Honors College has organized a series of events this fall called Second Years in Connection (SYnC) to help get you connected to each other and to the HC and to resources at OSU. Please join us for our next SYnC event on Tuesday Nov. 9 from 5-6 p.m. in LINC 100. To register, please visit the link here.There is onlyone more SYnC event to go this term (Friday, Dec. 3 an end of term celebration from 5-6 p.m. mark your calendars and register here).

UPCOMING! Savings and Retirement 101 by the Center for Advancing Financial Education of CAFE
On Thursday, Nov. 18 from 5-6 p.m. attend a zoom seminar to learn more about the basics and importance of savings and for more information about the steps and methods you can use to save for retirement. Make sure to register here for this event. You can also find the zoom link here.  

UPCOMING! FYI Friday: Creating a Financial Plan Presentation by CAFE
Want to learn more about finances in college? In this presentation on Friday, Dec. 10 from 12-1 p.m. attendees will learn about creating a financial plan for college, which includes creating an academic plan and evaluating direct and indirect expenses and income. The zoom link can be found here. The password for the meeting is 369653. Additionally, attendees will learn about the basics of a budget, budgeting in relation to paying for college, the billing cycle at OSU, and the various resources available to help students pay for college or save money. Register here for this event. 

UPCOMING! CEL Information Sessions
Community Engagement & Leadership (CEL) is offering a series of 30-minute info sessions during Weeks 2-6 of Fall Term for students interested in learning more about our events and offerings! Students will have the opportunity to ask questions, learn how to get involved, and meet some of the student staff working in CEL! All sessions will take place in SEC 250. View available sessions and register here

Who wants to get some new fun experiences at OSU? Join Community Engagement & Leadership for Beavs Volunteer group service projects! Don’t miss it out and you can help make a better world by volunteering. Save your spot by registering here!

The upcoming CEL events are:  
– Humane Society | Clean our local shelter & hangout with animals (Every Monday from 12:30-3:30 p.m.)
– Habitat for Humanity | Help low-income families own or maintain their homes (Every Friday from 12:30-3:00 p.m.)
– SAGE Garden | Grow fresh produce for families without access (Every Wednesday from 1:00-3:30 p.m.)
– Room at the Inn | Support homeless women to meet immediate needs and secure housing (Every Friday from 10:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.)
– Parks & Recreation | Maintain trails & community spaces for all to enjoy (Every Thursday from 3:30-5:30 p.m.)

UPCOMING! Fall Family Weekend – Coffee with the HC Dean & Associate Dean
All Honors College families are invited to join Honors College Dean Toni Doolen and Associate Dean Susan Rodgers for coffee and snacks onSaturday, Nov. 13 from 8:00-10:00 a.m. in the Honors College student lounge (the SLUG) in LInC 340. Stop by at any time, for as long as you’d like, but please RSVP here. Send questions and accommodations requests to HC Student Engagement Coordinator Emily Garcia. We look forward to seeing you and your family there!

Winter Term Registration is Almost Here
Winter term course registration is quickly approaching! Helpful tips and reminders for registration can be found on the HC Academic Advising canvas page. When determining your courses for next term, it is vital that you see your major advisor before your HC academic advisor. Your major academic advisor is key in informing you of what classes you must take to stay on track for your major. As a reminder, your HC academic advisor does not provide you your registration PIN. Be sure to connect with your major advisor before your registration date.

Help with HC Thesis Project
Help us understand how pet behavior and human-animal bonds were impacted by the events of this past year. This study will take place on the Oregon State University Corvallis campus (Withycombe Hall) and include a short survey and two behavioral attachment tests with your dog or cat (taking approximately 20-30 minutes per pet; you can schedule multiple pets for back to back sessions or on separate days if desired). Current study needs: 
Dogs or cats that have previously visited our lab: If you have had a pet participate in attachment bond research in our lab previously (dog, cat or both) any or all are eligible to participate. New dog or cat participants acquired during the pandemic (March 2020- present): If you have acquired a pet during this period, or know someone who has, they are also eligible to participate. Other dogs and cats: If you have additional dogs or cats that do not fall into the above categories, you are welcome to enroll them too! We will be looking at first-time testing of animals adopted pre-pandemic for comparison. If you wish to participate please contact Hallie Shean to schedule testing times: sheanh@oregonstate.edu. You can also email the study PI with any questions: Monique.udell@oregonstate.edu.

Scholarship and Financial Aid Opportunities

NEW! SNAP Outreach at the HSRC
Students may be eligible for $234 a month in grocery funds! SNAP is a federal nutrition benefits program, and the Human Services Resource Center at Oregon State assists with applications! For more information visit the SNAP link here

NEW! HC Experiential Award Application
Honors students participating in professional conferences or in need of financial support for research expenses related to their thesis can apply for an Honors Experiential Scholarship. The application can be found here. In order to be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must be enrolled in the Honors College through the time of experience. Only applicants who have submitted a signed thesis proposal to the Honors College are eligible for research expense support. Reviews are competitive, and preference will be given to students who clearly articulate the impact of the scholarship, demonstrate a strong commitment to completing their Honors Baccalaureate degree requirements, and have not previously received an experiential learning award from the Honors College. The maximum award is $750, and all awards are paid as scholarships to recipients’ OSU accounts. Contact Kevin Stoller at kevin.stoller@oregonstate.edu with questions.

NEW! Fulbright U.S. Student Program Information Session about Scholarships
Join National and Global Scholarships Advising for a Fulbright Information Session on Thursday, Nov. 18 from 6-7 p.m. via Zoom. Come to learn about eligibility, application components, and selection criteria. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask LeAnn Adam, Director of National and Global Scholarships Advising, questions about the application process! Register here

NEW! Udall Scholarship
The Udall Foundation awards scholarships of $7,000 to college sophomores and juniors on the basis of their leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to American Indian nations or to the environment. Please contact LeAnn Adam, Director of National and Global Scholarships Advising, at LeAnn.Adam@oregonstate.edu to discuss your interest in applying. The OSU campus deadline is February 1, 2021, but it is recommended that you start applying now. 

THIS THURSDAY! Oregon Sea Grant Internship Application Workshop
The Oregon Sea Grant will be hosting a round of application workshops for their PAID Summer Scholars and Oregon Applied Sustainability Experience (OASE) internships on Thursday, Nov. 4 at 4 p.m. on Zoom. The purpose of the application workshops is for students to learn more about all Oregon Sea Grant opportunities (including mentoring and professional development) get advice and tips on application materials and hear from recent alumni about their experiences in the program.  Registration is required and can be accessed from the Application Resources page. Interested students can learn more about the interns’ experiences on our Scholars Blog, and Summer Scholars and OASE galleries. If you have any further questions make sure to contact Jenny.Engels@oregonstate.edu.

Honors College Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant
The Honors College recognizes that these may continue to be challenging times for Honors College students and their families. We encourage students who are experiencing difficulty paying the costs associated with Honors College enrollment to apply for a one-term Honors College Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant. Determinations will be made on a rolling basis and will consider both need and the likelihood of earning the Honors Baccalaureate. 

Inability to pay Honors College differential tuition or other costs should not be the primary barrier to any student’s successful graduation from the college or continuation as an honors student. Approved grants may be for the full HC differential tuition (currently $500) or a portion of it and are for one-term only. Grants will not be renewed for additional terms, but students can reapply. Typically, students can only receive two Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant during their time in the Honors College. See the application for additional information.

Professional Development & Job Opportunities

NEW! Community Health Fellowship Gap Year
The Community Health Fellowship is a unique “gap year” opportunity for recent college graduates from across the country. The organization provides housing and a monthly educational stipend. Project Horseshoe Farm offers Community Health Fellowship programs in Alabama and California. This upcoming year, HSF is offering a traditional Gap-Year Fellowship, which will begin in June of 2022 and finish in July of 2023at Greensboro, Marion, and Pomona sites. For applicants who are available and interested there is also a 6-month Fellowship opportunity in Greensboro from January through July of 2022. It will be shorter, but similar in experience to the full-year Fellowship. The application deadline for the 2022-23 gap-year Fellowship is on Sunday, Feb. 13 2022. The application deadline for the 6-month Fellowship in Greensboro is Tuesday, Nov. 14 2021. The website here gives a good overview of the programs. You can also find more information about HSF on Handshake

NEXT WEEK! Business Accelerator Internship Opportunities
The OSU Advantage Accelerator is hiring 5-7 interns this fall to help their clients with things such as market overviews, competitive analysis, value chain analysis and more. Don’t worry if these terms aren’t familiar to you yet. They will train you on how to do the work. What they do need is a wide variety of students from all disciplines to apply! These are PAID internships! Our interns work up to 10 hours per week during the school term and can work up to 30 hours per week during breaks.  Final hiring decisions will be made by the end of Fall term. Apply here by Wednesday, Nov. 10 to be considered. Email Molly.Arnold2@oregonstate.edu for questions or additional information.

Washington Leadership Program Applications for 2022 are now Open!
The Washington Leadership Program (WLP) is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications from high-potential South Asian American college students for the 2022 summer leadership program scheduled to take place from June 11, 2022 until August 5, 2022. WLP cultivates the South Asian American community’s next generation of leaders by placing them in congressional offices or federal agencies in Washington, D.C. for eight-week summer internships and a structured leadership-training curriculum. The students gain a firsthand view of the policy-making and legislative process, as well as gain access to high-profile South-Asian leaders in the nation’s capital. The application due Sunday, Jan. 9 is available here. Interns will receive a total stipend of $2,000 and will be required to complete 2-3 short writing assignments during the internship. For more information about the program visit WLP’s website here

Apply to one of The University of Central Florida’s Ph.D. Programs
The University of Central Florida (UCF) is interested in engaging HC students in doctoral programs in the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS). Their faculty are currently recruiting prospective students in a number of Ph.D. programs for the Fall 2022 academic term. More about graduate programs in CECS can be learned here. To help encourage prospective students to apply, the College of Engineering and Computer Science is waiving all application fees for completed Ph.D. applications submitted by Monday, Nov. 15 at 11:59 p.m. (ET).

Submit Creative Work to Student Journal
Feeling creative? Submit your creative writing to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’s student-run literature and arts journal From the Brush. They’re looking for creative and artistic work from Honors College students nationwide. The current call for submissions is open until Monday, Nov. 15. For more information, please visit the link here.

Student Positions Available with University Catering
University Catering is seeking student employees. Once hired, these students have a unique opportunity to be at a variety of campus events providing customer service, learning problem-solving skills, time management and organizational skills. These positions require the ability to drive and pass a criminal history check. Apply now at the link here.

Campus-Wide Opportunities

NEW! Borrow Calculators and Tools for Academic Success from the Valley Library
Do you need a scientific, financial, or graphing calculator? The Valley Library has calculators to loan. The library also has loanable tools such as laptops, tablets, and computer accessories like chargers, headphones, flash drives, ergonomic mice, and more—for all your midterm and finals needs! For more information click the link here

Togetherall: New Mental Health Resource for OSU Students
Togetherall is a safe, online community to share anonymously and get support to improve mental health and well-being. The Togetherall community is available 24/7 and is monitored by licensed mental health practitioners. Join the community and learn more here

HC Resources

These resources are available throughout the term.

Updated SLUG Hours and Info!
The HC student learning space in the Learning Innovation Center, room 340 – called the SLUG – is open! Fall term SLUG hours:

– Sunday – 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
– Monday-Thursday – 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
– Friday – 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
– Saturday – noon to 6 p.m.

The SLUG features study and social areas, more than 20 computers, a scanner and a friendly HC student staff member who can help with any questions. In addition, honors students can print for free when using SLUG computers! The SLUG also offers a small kitchen. Bring your own coffee pods and brew up a cup in our new Keurig machine! The HC Forgot Your Lunch food cabinet is available as well with free snacks for anyone who needs it. All students visiting the SLUG will be expected to sign in and wear masks while using the facility. Please contact honors.college@oregonstate.edu with questions.

TODAY! HCSA General Meeting – WEEKLY
 Looking for an opportunity to meet other students and get involved with the Honors College this fall? The Honors College Student Association holds general meetings every Monday from 6 to 7 p.m. in LInC 345. All HC students are welcome to join! If you feel more comfortable joining via Zoom please email Maya Livni at livnim@oregonstate.edu the Sunday before we meet for accommodations.

West & Sackett Hall Drop-In Advising Hours
Fall term advising hours will be hosted in West and Sackett Halls, every Friday. Honors College academic advisors can assist you in making decisions regarding your academic, career and personal goals. All Honors students are welcome to drop in—no appointment is necessary. Please drop by with specific questions or just to say hello! 

Sackett Hall – F/G Honors Suites
– Fridays, 10:30 a.m. to noon
West Hall – Room 119
– Fridays, noon to 1:30 p.m.  

Connect with Our Student Engagement Coordinator!
Emily Garcia is the Student Engagement Coordinator for the Honors College! She is available to answer general HC questions, connect you to the proper resources and help you find community within the Honors College. You can reach out to her and schedule an appointment by emailing emily.garcia@oregonstate.edu or drop in to her office hours below.

By: Rebecca Harmonson

CATEGORIES: Monday Messages Uncategorized

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