This site has NOT been fully updated for 2025 and registration for the non-credit option is NOT active. Enrollment in credit courses (undergrad and grad) is subject to normal OSU enrollment dates and procedures.
Wildland Fire Guard School
This mixed mode, entry-level wildland firefighting course utilizes National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) online curricula, coupled with instructor-led online discussion sessions and in-person, hands-on exercises to certify participants as entry level wildland firefighters. Students work independently to complete NWCG and FEMA online modules prior to discussions. Zoom “classroom” sessions add content depth and discussion opportunities. Field sessions build key skills in safety, teamwork, fire behavior and fire suppression. The course includes a fire shelter deployment practice session and a Work Capacity Test (WCT) opportunity. Successful completion results in certification and qualification as an entry-level wildland firefighter (firefighter type 2 / FFT2). Course covers FEMA IS-100 and 700, and NWCG S-190, S-130, and L-180 courses. Available concurrently in credit and non-credit versions.
College Credit Version
The Wildland Fire Guard School is anticipated to be available again Spring Term, 2025, as a 2-credit course.
- Undergraduate course: FOR252 section 1 (lecture) and section 020 (lab). FOR252 syllabus (2024 version – will be updated for 2025).
- Graduate course: FOR508 section 002 (workshop). FOR508 syllabus (2024 version – will be updated for 2025).
- View the appropriate credit course syllabus for details and participation requirements.
- Subject to OSU tuition, fees, and registration procedures.
- Course will be managed through Canvas.
Non-credit Version
Just want the FFT2 qualification? The non-credit version offers FFT2 credentials without the requirement to pay OSU tuition.
- Registration for the non-credit FFT2 course is not currently open. Check back in February.
- Meets concurrently with the academic credit students (but some sessions are optional for you).
- View the 2024 non-credit course syllabus for details, links, dates, etc., but anticipate that this will be updated for 2025.
- Cost: anticipated to be $50 (payable by credit card or OSU index).
- Zoom link and other details will be provided upon registration.
Dates (Tentatively updated for 2025)
- Zoom Sessions. (Required for academic credit students. Optional for non-credit.) Tuesdays, April 1 through June 3, 2025. 6:00 to 7:20 p.m. (Pacific Time Zone)
- Firefighting skills field session (Required for both academic credit and non-credit students.) May 4, 2025. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Includes shelter deployment, fireline construction, hoselays, and work capacity test opportunity.
- Live Fire Exercise. (Required for credit students. Optional but highly recommended for non-credit students.) June 1, 2025. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Field sessions meet on the OSU campus, at Richardson Hall, at the Hatfield Courtyard (west side of Richardson, across from the Forest Service research lab)
- From this point we’ll carpool to field sites on or near the McDonald and Dun research forests, north of Corvallis
- Vehicles provided for credit course students (and non-credit as space allows)
Note about Certification and Qualification
Through this course you will complete nationally recognized online courses that cover basic concepts required for all new Firefighter Type 2 candidates, per the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG). The certificates issued by those online courses will be accepted by most fire agencies. Our S-130 field session will be overseen by a qualified lead instructor from the National Wildfire Suppression Association (NWSA) under its agreement with NWCG. If you successfully complete all the online courses, the field session, and the arduous work capacity fitness test you will be issued a qualification card through NWSA. Note, however, that fire agencies and contractors are responsible for their own qualification processes and may require you to demonstrate skills and knowledge, repeat segments of the training, or complete additional training before they qualify you to work in fire roles.
Questions? Contact John Punches, course coordinator.