There are many online resources to help you develop a forest management plan. These resources are organized according to each section of the Oregon Forest Management Plan. (Most of these link to outside websites)
Use this menu to jump to a specific section or scroll down to see them all.
- General management planning information
- General forestry information
- Property information
- Property description
- Maps and photos
- Current stand & forest health conditions
- Resources and Management
- Regulations
- Property history
- Aesthetics and recreation
- Cultural Resources
- Taxes and incentive programs
- Certification programs
- Cell phone apps
General Management Planning Help:
Management Planning for Woodland Owners: A Visual Guide
Management Planning for Woodland Owners: Why and How
General Forestry Information:
Oregon State University Extension Catalog – Forestry and Wood Processing Publications
Oregon State University Extension Catalog – Natural Resources Publications
Know your Forest – Learning Library
Oregon Forest Resources Institute Publication Library
Property Information:
One stop shop for property information and maps for the woodland discovery portion of your management plan. This websites provides an overview map with your county, elevation, Legal description, acres, fire districts, watershed information, etc. and additional aerial, topography, hydrology, soils, and forest community type maps.
Look up your county assessor’s office website to find your parcel information.
Seed zone maps of Oregon
developed by the Oregon Department of Forestry GIS unit to help people find locations in Oregon. You can search for a latitude longitude, legal description – township range and section, or a mile marker. Of course you can also search for an address or simply the name of a location in Oregon.
How forestland is Taxed in Oregon
The 1999 Legislature established the Forestland program as a special tax assessment.
Property Description:
Interactive retrieval of natural resources information on your property. Review the “habitats and vegetation section” of the layers list for historic vegetation and land uses. You can also use this map to review terrain and topography by exploring the various “topo” and “terrain” base maps and layers on “landscape and geology.”
Exploring Your Property’s Past: Questions and Resources
Resources for learning the land-use and ownership history of your property
Oregon State Archives – Land Records
Land-use and ownership records retrieval
Download topography and terrain maps of your property, among others.
Landscape Context (Forests of Recognized Importance)
Definition of Forest of Recognized Importance and when to include it in your management plan.
Maps and Photos:
One stop shop for maps that are needed for your management plan, including aerial, topography, directions, hydrology, soils, and forest community type maps.
Forest Management scenario planning with mapping tool. Allows you to make stand maps.
Geobrowser for 3D mapping the earth. There is also time-lapse function so you can look at past aerial maps of your property. Allows you to draw stand boundaries.
View OR taxlots and download PDF copies of assessors maps.
Natural resources digital library
Interactive retrieval of natural resources information on your property
Soil data and information
Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity – MTBS
maps of burn severity and perimeters around the US since 1984
Commonly available digital mapping applications and how to integrate them into your daily land management activities.
The PRISM Climate Group gathers climate observations from a wide range of monitoring networks, applies sophisticated quality control measures, and develops spatial climate datasets to reveal short- and long-term climate patterns.
Current Stand & Forest Health Conditions
Forest Health Aerial Detection Surveys
Every year since 1947, aerial detection surveys (ADS) have recorded the insects and diseases affecting forests in Oregon and Washington.
Oregon Department of Forestry Forest Health Page
Fact sheets on insects, pathogens, and abiotic factors.
Basic Forest Inventory Techniques for Family Forest Owners
This manual will teach you how to identify individual forest stands on your property, take a plot sample, establish an inventory plot, and measure individual trees.
Soil data and information – Use the data explorer to identify site index values
Download cover type and stand density maps of your property, among others.
Resources and Management Tools:
Web Soil Survey – Web Soil Survey tutorial
A tool for developing a soils map for your property. The Land Management and Vegetative Productivity reports that can be generated with Web Soil Survey contain the information you need for your plan.
follow a step by step explanation of the major events in the geologic history of Oregon.
Maps of the variety of rock types that make up the state of Oregon.
Water Resources
Interactive mapping tool to help you find your ODF Stewardship Forester who can help you identify streams and other water features on your property.
Download a hydrology map of your property, among others.
Mapping tool for water resources planning and management
Fish and Wildlife Habitat:
Plan to conserve Oregon’s fish and wildlife, and their habitats. Use the mapping tool to see if you are in one of Oregon’s Conservation Opportunity Areas.
Oregon Biodiversity Map Viewer
Data on species distributions for Oregon’s important forest species and habitats
developed by the Oregon Department of Forestry GIS unit to help people find locations in Oregon. You can find a list of wildlife species associated with your property using the Forest Bio-Diversity button that looks like a salamander.
Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife – Wildlife Habitat Conservation & Management Program
Incentive program for voluntarily conserving native wildlife habitat.
Comprehensive, decision-quality biodiversity data
Federal and State Listed Threatened & Endangered Species in Oregon
Species lists
Woodland Fish & Wildlife Publications Page
Publications on managing your woodlands for specific wildlife species.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Compass provides coarse-scale, non-regulatory fish and wildlife information, and the crucial habitat layers emphasize areas documented as containing important natural resources.
An online tool that helps you explore listed species, critical habitat, migratory birds or other natural resources on your property.
Mapping tool for water resources planning and management. Helps determine the size of culvert necessary to handle the peak flow for the stream crossing where the culvert is to be replaced
Integrated Pest Management
IPM and pesticide alternatives
American tree farm system definition of Integrated pest management
Oregon Department of Forestry Working Lands chemical application fillable form.
USFS – Forest Health Protection
Forest Service forest health protection page with fact sheets and other national resources.
Oregon Department of Ag Pesticides program
ODA information on pesticide regulations
Prescribed burning
Definitions of prescribed burning and links to more information.
Oregon Department of Forestry Information and regulations.
Resiliency and Carbon Sequestration
USDA Forest Service – Carbon Sequestration
Definitions and publications on carbon markets.
Introduction to Forest Carbon, Offsets and Markets
Learn the basics of forest carbon, offsets and markets. Topics include defining carbon in forests, carbon offset credits, methods of inventory/quantification, forest carbon projects and market types.
Climate Change Resource Center
The Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) connects land managers and decision makers with useable science to address climate change in natural resources planning and management.
The Climate Hubs link USDA research and program agencies in their regional delivery of timely and authoritative tools and information to agricultural producers and professionals.
Standards for all commercial activities on OR forestland
Oregon’s Forest Protection Laws
A guide to Oregon forest practices and protection laws
Oregon’s Forest Protection Laws: An Illustrated Manual
Revised Fourth Edition. Published in 2024. Includes Private Forest Accord updates. The publication fosters easy understanding of the Oregon Forest Practices Act and Rules, and the other best management practices, laws and rules that apply to Oregon’s forest landowners.
Oregon’s Smoke Management Plan
Smoke management reports, conditions, and forms
Oregon Department of Agriculture – Pesticides Division
Pesticide and Fertilizer Programs
Mapping tool for water resources planning and management
Property History:
Exploring Your Property’s Past: Questions and Resources
Resources for learning the land-use and ownership history of your property
Oregon State Archives – Land Records
Land-use and ownership records retrieval
Oregon Historic Sites Database
Look up historic sites by location on this interactive map.
Aesthetics and Recreation:
Designation program for protecting special waterways
Unique viewpoints and attractions along the 26 scenic routes
Planning, Design, Construction, and Maintenance
Nature Trail Development on Small Acreages
Design and Maintenance
Cultural Resources:
State Historic Preservation Office
Information on Oregon’s archaeological sites
Protecting and Preserving Oregon’s Archeological and Cultural Resources
Guide for landowners and operators
Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality Protecting and Preserving Archeological and Cultural Resources
a fact sheet
The Oregon Biodiversity Information Center (ORBIC) is part of the Institute for Natural Resources and is based at Portland State University. ORBIC leads INR’s biodiversity and conservation work; and, its key function is to maintain, develop and distribute biodiversity information in Oregon.
Taxes and Incentive Programs:
Oregon Department of Revenue Timber Tax Information
How timber is taxed in OR
Information regarding the tax treatment of timber related activities
Grants and Incentive Programs for Private Landowners
Financial incentives and technical assistance programs
Oregon Department of Revenue Forestland Program
special tax assessment for forestland
Oregon State University Extensions Ties to the Land
succession planning assistance
Certification Programs:
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Cell Phone Apps:
(Apps can be downloaded from your trusted app store. Some apps are free, while others have subscriptions or fees)
Avenza –
A mapping tool that allows the user to download maps from a map store (map store has free maps and maps for purchase) or use basemaps imported from another program. Allows the user to access their maps without cell service. Create or import map features, record tracks, name features and add descriptions and photos. Basic App is free. Pro version requires a subscription.
Exporting a map feature from Avenza to a desktop map program.
A map app that comes pre-loaded on apple devices. Allows the user to view street map, aerial imagery, create pins to mark points. Free.
The CalTopo app is a mapping tool that integrates with the Caltopo desktop program (described below). Allows the user to create or import map features, record tracks, view profiles of features, create buffers and viewsheds. Free version requires cell services. Subscription version allows the user to access their maps without cell service.
A map app that comes preloaded on many android devices, can also be downloaded on Apple devices. Allows the user to view street map, aerial imagery, terrain, create pins to mark points. Free.
A mobile version of the Google Earth commonly used on a desktop. Requires cell service or internet connectivity to access maps. Free.