Deadline to S/U Withdraw is TODAY!

Happy Week 7!

Key Deadlines this week:  The S/U and withdraw (from an individual class) deadline is this Friday, November 13th before 5:00pm. The Office of the Registrar closes at 5pm and forms must be turned in before 5pm.

Seniors: Apply for Graduation:  Seniors are able to apply to graduate up to 3 terms in advance. This is a good time to apply for graduation, indicating which term you plan to graduate.

Incompletes (“I/” grades)

Did you know that if you received an “I” grade and have not hit the year mark where the “I” grade rolls to the letter grade, you SHOULD NOT register for that previously incomplete class.   If you re-register for the class and the “I” grade remains from your earlier attempt  (if it has not been a year since you took the class), it can have negative effects in terms of GPA and Financial Aid.   If you have questions or concerns about Incompletes, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Good luck finishing up your second round of midterms!

Federal Jobs Workshop Series

Happy midterm week!

If you have some extra time and are looking to land a job with the federal government, check out these awesome opportunities!

November 4 – How to apply for Federal Jobs/Internships

11:00 am – 12:00 pm, Richardson 115

Learn to navigate and how you can stand out! Scott Kincaid of the BLM will be presenting.

November 18 – Federal Jobs Panel and Networking Event

11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Richardson 115

Hear more about federal jobs from a panel of federal employees. Ask our panel about career paths and their experiences on getting there. Then connect in small groups and one-on-one during an hour of networking and light refreshments.

Please register for these workshops using your Beaver Careers Account!

Also, don’t forget these other upcoming employer information nights:

November 9 – Silvaris: 4:00 pm, Peavy 256

November 16 – Timber Products Company: 4:00 pm, Peavy 256

In partnership between the Career Development Center, Ecampus and the Alumni Association:

Natural Resources Virtual Career Fair November 19th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pmJoin us for one of our first Virtual Career Fairs, meeting with companies throughout the industry to talk about opportunities they have in natural resources. The event is free and open for students/alumni to check out at your leisure on the 19th. Register here!

If you have any questions about how to prepare for these events or need more information, please contact the Student Services Office at 541-737-1594 or stop by Peavy 250!

Have a safe and happy Halloween Weekend!

Halloween Horror Harvest!

Hello CoF Undergraduates!

Come join us on Friday, October 30 from 2-4 PM for the Halloween Horror Harvest and Annual Student Services Office Open House Pumpkin Carving Contest!

There will be prizes, tricks and treats, horrors and haunts! Come wearing your best costume.  This event is open to students, staff, and faculty and pumpkins will be provided.  If you are interested in attending, sign up in the Student Services Office in Peavy 250 by October 27th so we know how many pumpkins to get!

We hope to see you all next Friday! Let us know if you have any questions by calling 541-737-1594 or stopping by the office!


Student Services Everyday!

Happy Week 3 College of Forestry Undergrads!

While we hope that you all know the Student Services Office is here for you, we would also like to make sure you know about Student Services Everyday!  Visit the Student Services Office, located in Peavy 250, every day of the week for something new!

Monday Maps: Be the first to guess the national/state park, monument, wilderness area, etc. and win a prize!*  You can guess by responding to the post on The Fernhopper Blog, or tweet the answer to as @OSU_COF_SS

Tuesday Trivia: Be the first to answer the trivia question correctly and win a prize!* You can guess by responding to the post on The Fernhopper Blog, or tweet the answer to as @OSU_COF_SS

Wednesday Warmup: Enjoy a FREE cup of coffee in the SLC, Peavy 252, from 9:00-11:00 am.

Thoughtful Thursday: Has someone gone out of their way to do something nice for you? Nominate them on Thursdays so they can be recognized!

Fernhopper Friday: The official publication day for the Fernhopper Newsletter and Fernhopper Blog!

*Stop by Student Services to claim your prize. Ecampus students, prizes will be mailed to you!

The Student Services Office is your resource for support in the College of Forestry.  Stop by or call 541-737-1594 with any questions you may have! Good luck studying for midterms!

October Employer Information & Career Events- Save the Date!

Hello Fernhoppers!

Make sure to mark the following events on your calendars! All of these events will help enhance your professional skills and make you more attractive to future employers!

Monday, October 12th: Society of American Foresters (SAF) Meeting: Resume Building Workshop with Carolyn Killefer (Career Development Center)- Bring you resume and learn tips and tricks on how to enhance it.  Open to all students! Located in Peavy 272 at 5:30 pm.  This workshop is in preparation for the SAF Job Fair on October 27th!

Tuesday, October 13th: College of Forestry Clubs Day! Located in the Peavy Courtyard from 10:00am-2:00 pm.  Get involved in CoF Student Clubs! Make new friends, participate in conferences and workshops, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and HAVE FUN! Stop by to talk to student club representatives about club membership and participation! CoF student clubs are open to all OSU students.

Tuesday, October 13th: Linda Caudill, Managing Director of Wood-Based Composites will be presenting “There’s a lot we don’t teach you in school, plus proven interview techniques to help you get a job!” Located in Peavy 276 from 4:00-5:30 pm.  Refreshments provided.

Wednesday, October 14th: Career Development Center Drop in Hours with Carolyn Killefer.  Located in Peavy 252 from 9:00-11:00 am.  Come by to ask questions or get advice on interviewing, resume and cover letter writing, or anything else career related!

Monday, October 19th: Plum Creek Employer Info- come by to learn more about job opportunities with Plum Creek.  Located in Peavy 256 from 4:00-6:00 pm.  Please sign up in the Student Services Office (Peavy 250) prior to this event! Refreshments provided.

Thursday, October 22nd: Peace Corps with Scot Roskelley.  Located in Peavy 272 from 5:00-6:00 pm.  Come by to learn more about opportunities offered through the Peace Corps!

Monday, October 26th: Weyerhaeuser Employer Info- come by to learn more about job opportunities with Weyerhaeuser.  Located in Peavy 256 from 4:30-6:30 pm.

Tuesday, October 27th: SAF Job Fair! Dress professionally and bring copies of your resume to network with future employers.  Located in Richardson Hall from 10:00 am-3:00 pm.

Wednesday, October 28th: Career Development Center Drop in Hours with Carolyn Killefer.  Located in Peavy 252 from 9:00-11:00 am.  Come by to ask questions or get advice on interviewing, resume and cover letter writing, or anything else career related!

Also new in October:

Coffee talk with Randy Rosenberger- come by to chat with CoF Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies about your ideas, suggestions, or comments about the College of Forestry. Located in Peavy 252. FREE COFFEE!


Thursday, October 8th from 2:00-3:00 pm

Tuesday, October 13th from 10:00-11:00 am

Thursday, October 22nd from 2:00-3:00 pm

Tuesday, October 27th from 10:00-11:00 am

If you have any questions about any of these events, please contact the Student Services Office at 541-737-1594 or stop by Peavy 250!

Fall Term Deadlines!

Hello College of Forestry Undergrads!

School starting on a Thursday wasn’t the only thing that has changed this year, many important deadlines have also changed! Here are the current rules, straight from Academic Regulations:

1. Students may add courses through the second full week of classes each term, depending on the nature of the course and the availability of space. From the end of the first full week of classes to the end of the second full week of classes, permission (signature) of the instructor offering the course must be obtained.
2. A student may drop courses without responsibility for grades through the end of the first full week of classes. After the drop deadline courses may not be dropped. Failure to drop a course properly will result in an F grade being recorded; courses properly dropped do not appear on the student’s transcript.
3. Add/drop fees will be assessed in accordance with the fee policies stated in the Schedule of Classes.
You can check in with your Academic Advisor if you have questions about adding/dropping classes.  As always, if you have general questions about deadlines or anything else in the College of Forestry, please contact the Student Services Office, located in Peavy 250, at (541) 737-1594.

Happy Week 2!

Tuesday Trivia!

Here is today’s trivia question:

What country is associated with the invention of the log cabin?

Do you know the answer? Comment below to win a prize!

Summer 2015

Summer is under two weeks away College of Forestry Undergraduates! Can you feel the sunshine yet? Summer in Corvallis can be a really fun time and there are many opportunities available!

If you are taking classes over the summer, you will be happy to know that the Academic Success Center is open during summer term.  The center is located in 102 Waldo Hall and can provide you with help in the following areas:

  • Study skills
  • Time management
  • Effective note taking
  • Avoiding procrastination
  • Test taking strategies
  • And many more!

When you are done studying for your summer classes, Corvallis is a great town to explore!  For all of the outdoor enthusiasts out there, consider checking out one of the many hiking trails in the College of Forestry’s own McDonald-Dunn Forest.  The Willamette River that runs through Corvallis is also a great place to cool off on a warm day in Corvallis.  There is also the Corvallis Farmers Market which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm on the corner of First Street and Jackson Avenue in downtown Corvallis.

To all of the undergraduate students in the College of Forestry, we wish you a wonderful summer filled with sunshine and new experiences, and we also wish our graduating seniors luck as they enter the work force.

It’s been a great year and we will see you in September!

Commencement Celebrations!

Happy Week 8 College of Forestry Undergrads!

With 22 days left until commencement, you may be wondering how the College of Forestry is celebrating its graduates.  Well, as we usually have had in the past, there will be a Commencement Continental Breakfast on June 13 from 8:00-9:15 am in the Peavy Hall Courtyard.  All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend!

New this year, the College of Forestry will be hosting a Commencement Dinner on June 12 at the Forestry Club Cabin in Peavy Arboretum.  In addition to recognizing graduating students, the Harold Bowerman Award and the Paul and Neva Dunn Award will also be presented.

Both of these events are designed for graduating seniors and their families and guests.  Please RSVP to Jessica Fitzmorris, Event Coordinator for the CoF or call her at 541-737-3161 with any questions!

Don’t forget to start studying for finals! Summer is almost here!

Graduate Education- Is it right for me?

Hello College of Forestry Undergraduates!

Whether you are gearing up to graduate this June or have a few years ahead of you before attaining your undergraduate degree, the future can be a little daunting.

One option for the future could be attending graduate school!  To learn more about attending grad school here at OSU, you are invited to attend the Graduate Eduction Information Night!  The info night will be held on Tuesday, May 19 at 5:30 pm in the Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Resource Center.

This information night will cover the basics of a graduate education including the following:

  • What is graduate school?
  • What are the benefits of a graduate degree?
  • What are the basic admissions processes and requirements?
  • How do I pay for my graduate education?

There will also be a Q&A session at the end of the evening.  If graduate school sounds even a little bit like a path you would be interested in, please attend the event!  For more information, visit the OSU Grad School Website.  If you have any questions, please call 541-737-4881 or email at

Have a great weekend!

Grad Educ Information Night 5.19.15