Surviving Group Projects


For college students, group projects are a common assigned task in many classes throughout one’s undergraduate career.  While we like to joke that the above photo is true, sometimes it can turn into the reality if a group project is not taken seriously.  The raw truth of the matter is this: group projects also exist in real life, in our future careers.

There, I said it! What the professors say is true. That being said, here are some tips to help ensure your group project due at the end of the term (that I know you have procrastinated until now) will be a swimming success!

1.Figure out the best means of communication.

Based on who you are working with, you need to decide what is going to be your primary means of communication throughout the remainder of the project.  With so many different channels of communication (emails, text messages, instant messaging, phone calls, Facebook groups), it is important to figure out which method works best for everyone.

2. Set check-ins and deadlines.

Setting multiple deadlines before the entire project is due helps to break down the tasks into more tangible action items. This also allows the work of the project to be split up among all of the team members.  When assigning action items to team members, consider also assigning a secondary team member to help with that task.  The secondary team member will also be responsible for making sure it is completed in a timely manner if for some reason the primary team member falls ill, has a family emergency, or decides to drop out mid-way through the project. Don’t forget to check-in with members of the group in between deadlines to make sure everyone is on the same page and everyone’s questions are answered.

3. Take the lead.

Anyone can be a leader.  Don’t be afraid to step up to the challenge of doing your share of the group project and help coordinate dates/times for everyone to meet to work on the project together.  They key to being successful in the leadership position is to follow up.  If you say you will do something, make sure it happens.  That will build your credibility and keep the team dynamics more positive.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask your professor for help.

Asking for help does not make you look unprepared, not knowledgeable, or silly.  On the contrary, asking your professor for help on a project shows that you are dedicated to doing the best work possible.  It can also help clarify the overall goals and expectations for the final project. Professors want you to do well, so asking them how you can do well and then doing what they say can only help your group.

5. Stay positive.

Group project take a lot of time, energy, and can cause stress.  During the more difficult times, focus on the positive aspects of the project. This is something that you can discuss with a prospective employer during a job interview about a time that you worked in a team.  Additionally, you are getting to bond with others in your class.  Keep in mind, the people you are going to school with are going to be the future professionals in your field- always leave a good impression.

Group projects don’t have to be scary or stressful; they can be conquered through effective communication, tackling big projects in smaller steps, taking the lead on various parts of a project, asking for help when you need it, and staying positive throughout the entire process.

Good luck finishing up those group projects!


Graduate School Information Night!

Have you ever thought about continuing your education after your undergraduate career?  Is an advanced degree right for you?  There may be many other questions you have about what it is like to be a graduate student at Oregon State University or how to navigate the overall process.

To get your questions answered, come to Furman Hall, Room 101 on Thursday, May 19th from 5:30-6:30 pm!  The OSU Graduate School is hosting a presentation to cover the basics of a graduate education.  Snacks will be provided!

Please call the OSU Graduate School at 541-737-4881 with any questions you have about this event!

Grad Info Night 2016 Flyer

“Discover the Forest in Your Backyard!”

National Get Outdoors Day is May 21, 2016 at Peavy Arboretum, north of Corvallis and now is your chance to sign up as a volunteer!  This event is expected to bring out many children and families from our community to explore the outdoors and to become inspired by the natural world through hands-on projects and activities.
Volunteers just like YOU are what make this event a success each year!  Follow the link below to officially register as a volunteer.  After you register and as the date gets closer reminders will be sent with more information.

If you have any questions about this event or your involvement, please contact Matt McPharlin, Event Volunteer Coordinator at

Moms and Family Weekend 2016!

Moms and Family Weekend is NEXT WEEKEND, April 29-May 1!  As a college student, there are many things that we get to experience and Moms and Family Weekend is a great chance to share those experiences with your family!

You’re invited!

The College of Forestry is hosting an open house on Friday, April 29th from 2-4 PM in the first floor knuckle of Richardson Hall.  At the open house, families can learn about the variety of resources and programs available to all College of Forestry students, including advising resources, student clubs & organizations, diverse perspectives in forestry group, forestry ambassadors, international programs/internships, OSU research forests, and the NEW Forest Science Complex!

This is a free event and refreshments will be served.  Bring your family to Richardson Hall to show them all of the exciting opportunities that are offered here in the College of Forestry!

Click here to see a full schedule of all of the events happening on campus for Moms and Family Weekend!


Corvallis Housing Fair

The Corvallis Housing Fair is quickly approaching! Make sure to mark Thursday, April 14 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm in the SEC Plaza on your calendar to learn how to become a “preferred renter” in Corvallis and upon successful completion of the program, receive $50 off your initial rental deposit with participating property managers!

Hosted by ASOSU and Corvallis Community Relations, the 2016 Corvallis Housing Fair presents an opportunity for OSU students to interact with property managers located within Corvallis and identify potential rental housing options. Campus and community agencies will also be present to provide critical information for students as they seek to integrate responsibly into the Corvallis community, many for the first time.

If you plan to live off-campus next fall, the Corvallis Housing Fair is something you cannot miss! We hope to see you there!

Corvallis Housing Fair

State Job Series


Have you ever thought about applying for a job with the state government?  The process for applying for state careers can be very daunting and a bit confusing.  To help, the Career Development Center is hosting a new series on state jobs!  Be sure to mark the following dates on your calendars!

  • April 19: How to Apply to State Jobs/Internships, 12:00-1:00 PM, MU Room 206
  • May 4: State Job Panel, 11:00 am-12:00 pm, MU Multipurpose Room
  • May 4: Making Meaningful Connections, 12:00-1:00 pm, MU Multipurpose Room.  This is a chance to network with career panelists in a relaxed social setting.

For all of these events, please sign up through Beaver Careers.  This series is open to all students (undergraduate and graduate) and all majors, so bring your friends and learn how to land your dream job with the State!

State Job Series Flyer



Forest Science Complex Q&A Drop-In Open House

If you haven’t heard yet, the College of Forestry is building a new facility!  Peavy Hall will soon be replaced with the new Peavy: the Forest Science Complex!  You may have many questions about this upcoming change, and the college leadership wants to answer those inquiries!

On April 5th from 9:00-11:00 am you are encouraged to stop by Peavy 276 to ask questions and talk about any facet of the planned new Peavy Hall, the Advanced Wood Products Laboratory, or the move out of Peavy.

About the New Buildings

Learn about recent design changes and adjustments being made to improve function of the program spaces. The Open House is organized so that you can focus only on the topics and issues that are of interest or concern to you without spending more time than you want.  Members of the design team will be available to listen and talk through your questions about any and all of the following:

  • Office areas, labs, classrooms, grad student spaces, storage, the Field Instrument Room, Student Learning Center, etc.
  • The Arboretum
  • Public safety concerns accounted for in building design
  • Demolition/re-use/recycling of current Peavy Hall materials
  • Measuring sustainability attributes of the new buildings
  • The Advanced Wood Products Lab

About the Move Out of Peavy Hall in Early Summer

The proposed schedule for moving everyone out of Peavy Hall will be available and staff will be ready to answer your questions and talk about what can be done to help you get ready.

Light refreshments will be provided!

If you have questions, please contact

Spring Break in Corvallis

Are you staying in Corvallis for Spring Break?  Take advantage of your week without classes to attend some of the many events in Corvallis next week!

  • March 22: Community Movie Night with Ygal Kaufman at Darkside Cinema, 215 SW 4th St at 7:00 PM.  Admission is free!
  • March 23: Movie Night at the Whiteside Theatre, 361 SW Madison Ave: The Princess Bride shown at  7:00 PM. Tickets are $5.00 per person.
  • March 24: “Next Steps for Restoring the Marys Peak Meadows” held at Old World Deli, 341 SW 2nd St. at 6:00 PM.  U.S. Forest Service biologist and ecologist will demonstrate how they plan to restore the historic wildflower meadows of Marys Peak after the removal of noble fir.  Sponsored by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition.
  • March 24: “Advances in Oregon’s Energy and Climate Change Laws During the 2016 Legislature” held at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis, 2945 NW Circle Blvd. at 7:00 PM. Sponsored by the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition
  • March 24: “Hot Buttered Rum & Front County” at 7:30 PM at the Majestic Theatre, 115 SW 2nd St.  Tickets are $15.00 for students and can be purchased online.
  • March 26: Corvallis Indoor Winter Market: 9:00 am-1:00 pm at the Benton County Fairgrounds.  Visit their blog for more information!
  • March 26: White Rose Custom Floral Design Presents: Centerpiece for Easter Workshop, held at Garland Nursery, 5470 NE Hwy 20 at 1:00 PM.  Event is $25.00 per person and space is limited, so please call (541) 753-6601 to register!
  • March 26: No Offense: The Improv Jam!  Shown at the Majestic Theatre, 115 SW 2nd St. at 8:00 PM.  Tickets are $5.00, buy them early! The last show was sold out! Sponsored by 2 Towns Ciderhouse.

Also take advantage of the windows of sunny weather we may have to experience the College Research Forests!  There are many great hiking trails throughout the forest and beautiful sights to see!

Whatever you are planning to do during Spring Break, have a great time, be safe, and we will see you Monday, March 28th for Spring Term!

Congratulations Award Winners and Retirees!

On Thursday, March 10th, the college hosted the annual Dean’s Awards and Retiree Recognition ceremony.  This event is held each year to recognize members of the faculty and staff who are retiring as well as outstanding performance by current faculty and staff.  Seven members of the faculty are retiring this year, many who have served the College of Forestry for multiple decades.  We thank them for their contributions to the college as well as the Oregon State community!

Many awards were also given, one of which was new this year.  This year, nominations were held for the Outstanding Student Worker Award.  Lucia Hadella, a senior in Natural Resources was awarded this title for all of her dedication and hard work in the College Research Forests.  Lucia has spearheaded many fundraising events, educational events for high school students, and has been instrumental in the Forestry Connection movement.  Congratulations Lucia for your award and great job!

Good luck on finals, Fernhoppers!

What’s an Ombudsman?

According to Google, an ombudsman is a Swedish originated word meaning “an official that investigates, reports on, and helps settle complaints.”  Many people don’t realize this, but we have an Ombuds Office on our campus!

The University Ombuds Office (UOO) at Oregon State was established in 2012 to provide an accessible, confidential, neutral, independent, and informal resource for resolution and management of problems and conflicts to all University community members.

If you discuss an issue with the UOO, you can be confident that an Ombuds will:

  • Listen to all concerns and perspectives
  • Facilitate communication or mediate between individuals or groups
  • Value diversity
  • Provide a safe and confidential place to share issues
  • Assist in researching resources and options to aid in the resolution of conflict
  • Remain impartial to all parties involved in a conflict
  • Recommend ways to improve policies and procedures
  • Assist employees and students in navigating their way through university systems

In addition to helping people mediate their conflicts, the UOO also can help people identify their personal conflict management style, provide tips for collaboration, as well as advice for dealing with difficult situations.

The University Ombuds Office, located in 116 Waldo Hall is a free resource to all members of the OSU community for group training or individual appointments.  To schedule an appointment, call the office at 541-737-4537 or email